第二届国际介入心脏病学研讨会于1991年10月16~20日在武汉湖北医学院附属第一医院召开,参加会议代表300余人。国内知名专家、教授及《中华心血管病杂志》编辑部负责人应邀参加了会议。来自加拿大的Raoul Bonan教授和德国的ThomasIschinger教授对9例病人进行了PTCA和经皮球囊二尖瓣成形术(PBMV)的操作表演,使与会者受益非浅。会议共收到学术论文261篇,其中收入大会论文汇编121篇,列题交流140篇。参加大会交流的论文共26篇,其中有反映我国介入心脏病学当今水平的临床论著,亦有介入心脏病学中新技术的有关基础研究。会议期间,代表们就各自感兴趣的问题进行了广泛的交流和热烈的讨论。此次大会不少代表
The 2nd International Conference on Interventional Cardiology was held in the First Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Medical College from October 16 to October 20, 1991 with more than 300 delegates attending the conference. Well-known domestic experts, professors and “China cardiovascular disease” editorial department head was invited to attend the meeting. Prof. Raoul Bonan of Canada and Prof. Thomas Ischinger of Germany benefited greatly from the performance of PTCA and percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty (PBMV) in 9 patients. A total of 261 academic papers were received at the conference, among which 121 papers were collected in conference proceedings and 140 papers were listed. A total of 26 papers were delivered to the conference, including clinical articles reflecting the current level of interventional cardiology in our country and relevant basic research involving new technologies in cardiology. During the meeting, the delegates held extensive exchanges and heated discussions on their respective issues of interest. Many delegates at this conference