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采用原位测试方法,对软基上高路堤中埋设盖板涵的受力和沉降进行了测试,分析了涵洞和填土的沉降特点,涵洞受力规律。研究结果表明:涵顶土压力呈不均匀分布,两侧墙顶土压力大于涵洞中部,涵洞和填土之间的差异沉降导致涵顶发生土压力集中,涵顶土压力为填土自重的0.99~2.71倍;涵顶平面两侧填土中土压力分布规律为:由侧墙顶向两侧,随距离的增加,土压力为先减小而后又增加,在邻近边坡位置,受边坡影响土压力逐渐减小;涵洞侧墙土压力呈非线性分布,涵洞倾斜引起涵洞两侧墙土压力的非对称分布,实测水平土压力为静止侧压力的0.22~0.80倍。 The in-situ test method is used to test the force and settlement of the culvert buried in high embankments on soft foundations. The settlement characteristics of culverts and fillings and the laws of stress of culverts are analyzed. The results show that the pressure on the culvert is unevenly distributed, the pressure on the top soil on both sides of the culvert is greater than that in the middle part of the culvert. The differential settlement between the culvert and the fill leads to the concentration of earth pressure on the culvert and the pressure on the culvert is 0.99 ~ 2.71 times. The distribution of earth pressure in the earth filling on both sides of the culvert is as follows: from the top of the side wall to both sides, with the increase of the distance, the earth pressure decreases and then increases again. At the adjacent slope, The influence of soil pressure gradually decreases; the earth pressure on the side wall of the culvert is non-linearly distributed, and the inclination of the culvert causes the asymmetrical distribution of earth pressure on both sides of the culvert. The measured earth pressure is 0.22 to 0.80 times of the static pressure.
普希金14岁时曾写下了自己的第一次自白: 一颗火热的心被征服了我承认,我已坠入情网谁能禁止这种奇妙的感情突然出现呢?谁又有权利指责初次产生的爱情呢?不可否认,少年的爱
考纲要求,理解由量词构成的全称命题与特称命题的定义,掌握常见命题的否定及含有一个量词的命题的否定. 高考常见题型为全称命题与特称命题的否定及利用命题否定结合化归思想进行求参,或对一些涉及否定性的命题与一些较难直接证明的命题利用命题的否定进行反证.  涉及量词的全称命题与特称命题的判断  例1 下列词句,其中全称命题有_________;特称命题有___________(写出所有符合的命题序号)  
At different annealing temperatures, the saturation magnetostrictions and the correlation between the permeability μi and the temperature T (μi-T curves) of t
1992年10月,我从学校毕业分配到巴陵石化岳化橡胶厂聚合车间上班,不久就赶上了装置年度停车大检修。 当时,我所在的溶剂回收工段的脱水塔有30多米高。那一次,由于设备长周期
专利名称:行星式轧机用的轧辊头专利申请号:00817642.6公开号:CN 1413130申请人:奥托库姆普联合股份公司行星滚轧机用的轧辊头的壳体内可转动地设置空心的外轴和转动外轴用的
2001年4月9日,巴黎夏郎东一勒-蓬区 的一个工厂的车间旁,工人们正在挖沟,突然掘到一个铁制硬物。经过深入挖掘,发现是一个第二次世界大战遗留下来的炸弹。该炸弹重1200公斤,含有600多公斤炸药。