
来源 :课程教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xhcbwrs
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现实生活中,很多人对健康的理解也许就是长得胖胖的,不生病就行,其实人们的这种对健康的理解只是一种很片面的表象。真正健康的概念包括身体健康、心理健康和社会适应。有道是:少年强则国强,少年弱则国弱。下一代的健康关系到民族的未来,青少年的体质影响着国家的竞争力。如果我们现在培养的学生,在体质上不能适应国家未来建设需要,那么,我们的很多发展目标就难以实现。我们的教育方针是要“坚持教育为社会主义现代化建设服务、为人民服务,把立德、树人作为教育的根本任务,全面实施素质教育,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,努力办好人民满意的教育”。由此可见,德、智、体、美全面发展才是育人的宗旨。只有德、智、体、美全面发展的人才,才能担当得起社会主义建设者和接班人的重任。也只有能培养德、智、体、美全面发展人才的教育才是人民满意的教育。合理的体育锻炼,不但能提高学生积极参加体育锻炼的意识,还能使他们的身体形态、综合素质、生理机能、心理机制各方面都得到健康和完善。 In real life, many people’s understanding of health may be fat, do not get sick, in fact, people’s understanding of health is only a very one-sided appearance. Really healthy concepts include good health, mental health and social adjustment. Youdao is: strong young strong country, young weak country is weak. The health of the next generation is related to the future of the nation and the physical constitution of the young people affects the competitiveness of the country. If the students we are training now can not physically meet the needs of the nation’s future construction, then many of our development goals will be hard to come by. Our education policy is to “persist in education, serve the construction of socialist modernization and serve the people, regard virtue and tree as the fundamental task of education, implement the quality education in an all-round way, and cultivate the socialist builders with moral, intellectual and all-round development And successors, and strive to satisfactorily satisfy people’s education ”. From this we can see that the all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education is the purpose of educating people. Only talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty can afford the heavy responsibility of socialist builders and successors. Only education that can cultivate talents with all-round moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development is the education satisfactory to the people. Reasonable physical exercise can not only improve students’ awareness of participating actively in physical exercise, but also improve their physical form, overall quality, physiological function and psychological mechanism in all aspects.
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目的:T细胞免疫球蛋白黏蛋白1(T-cell immunoglobulin mucin 1,TIM-1)作为一种免疫调节分子,能影响肥大细胞的功能。TIM-1在牙周炎过程中是否在肥大细胞上表达未见报道。本研