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为了进一步推动《台湾同胞投资保护法》的贯彻实施,切实落实台胞投资的各项政策,依法保护台胞投资者的合法权益,全国人大常委会于1995年11月上、中旬组织检查了该法的实施情况。 全国人大常委会倪志福副委员长负责这次执法检查,并亲自参加了在福建省的检查活动.全国人大常委会委员、财经委员会主任委员柳随年和全国人大常委会委员、华侨委员会副主任委员林丽韫分别带领一个组赴福建省、广东省的部分地市作了检查.检查组听取了各级政府及其有关部门的工作汇报和情况介绍,召集当地的台商代表进行了座谈,听取他们的意见和反映,并实地考察了部分台资企业。 检查组关于检查读法实施情况的报告,已提请1995年12月召开的全国人大常委会会议审议。 In order to further promote the implementation of the “Taiwan Investment Protection Act”, effectively implement the policies on the investment of Taiwan compatriots and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Taiwan compatriots in accordance with the law, the NPC Standing Committee organized inspections in mid- and mid-November 1995 Law enforcement. Vice Chairman Ni Zhifu of the NPC Standing Committee was responsible for the inspection of this law enforcement and personally took part in the inspection activities in Fujian Province. Liu Suiannian, member of the Standing Committee of the NPC and Chairman of the Finance and Economics Commission, and member of the NPC Standing Committee and vice chairman of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee Lin Lili each led a group to go to Fujian Province, Guangdong Province, part of the city made a check.The inspection team listened to all levels of government and relevant departments of the work report and briefing, convened a local Taiwanese delegation held a discussion to listen to their Opinions and reflections, and inspected some Taiwanese-funded enterprises in the field. The report of the inspection team on the implementation of the inspection law has been submitted for consideration at the meeting of the NPC Standing Committee held in December 1995.
据新华社消息天津麒麟国际气功学校在不能提供任何真实证明的情况下,在《天津日报》上发布整版中华养生益智功广告,宣称这种气功 According to the Xinhua News Agency, Ti
活动目的 :贯彻教育部通知精神 ,在儿童中开展卫生健康教育实践活动 ,让儿童远离“非典” ,对他们进行文明健康的生活方式教育 ,让他们了解健康科学的生活方式的意义 ,知道其
学生对体育课的兴趣如何,直接关系体育课的教学效果。所以培养学生对体育的喜爱,让他们从中体验到体育运动的乐趣,是奠定终身爱好运动甚至从事体育事业的前提。 The student