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两千四百多年前,孔老二妄图挽救行将灭亡的奴隶制,为奴隶主贵族统治永恒化制造理论依据,抛出了“生而知之”和“唯上智与下愚不移”的反动谬论,竭力吹捧奴隶主是“生而知之”的“上智”、“至贵”,而广大奴隶是天生的“下愚”、“小人”,只能俯首贴耳地听任奴隶主贵族的宰割;他还恬不知耻地把自己打扮成是“天生德于予”的“圣人”。叛徒、卖国贼林彪,为了复辟资本主义,以达到他建立林家父子法西斯王朝的罪恶目的,完全继承了孔老二的衣钵,把唯心主义的“天才论”作为他搞“克己复礼”的理论纲领。林彪,这个不读书、不看报,什么学问也没有的大党阀、大军阀,狂吠什么:“不承认天才,这不是马克思主义”,他和孔老二一样自称“天才”、自比“天马”,厚颜无耻地吹嘘自己是“脑袋长得好,和别人的不一样、特别灵。”的“超人”。反过来,他恶毒诬蔑劳动人民想的是“怎样搞钱,怎样搞米”,说的是“恭喜发财”的“愚昧无知”的“群氓”、“阿斗”。这完全是颠倒历史,混淆黑白的一派胡言乱语。 Two and a half years ago, Colonel Kong II vainly attempted to save the impending slavery and lay the theoretical foundation for the permanent aristocracy of slave owners, throwing out the reactionary reaction of “born to know” Fallacies, trying their best to proclaim that the slave-owners are the “wisest” and the “most precious” ones born of “knowledge,” while the vast majority of slaves are innate “fools” and “villains.” They can only bow their heads to the slaves’ He also shamelessly dressed himself as a “saint” born of “virtue.” Traitor and traitor Lin Biao, in order to restore capitalism and achieve his goal of establishing the father and son of the Fusi dynasty, completely inherited the mantle of the second generation and took the idealist theory of “genius” as his theoretical program of “self-denial and reunion” . Lin Biao, this does not read, do not read the newspaper, what knowledge is not a big party valve, a large warlord, barking what: “do not recognize genius, this is not Marxism,” he and Kong Erli claiming to be “genius” “Pegasus,” brazenly boast that he is “superhuman.” “Head looks good, and others are different, special spirit.” In return, he viciously slandered the working people for thinking of “how to make money and how to engage in rice” and “ignorant” “gangsters” and “fools” who said “Kung Hei Fat Choi”. This is entirely a reversal of history, a confusing mix of nonsense.
The results of experiments showed that aerial-seeding seeds wrapped with multifunctional seed-dressing agent could effectively increase the seed preservation ra
二十年来,我们在某地区进行了磁法找铁矿的工作,发现许多复杂磁异常。对这些异常作了推断解释,钻探大胆验证,通过实践- 认识- 实践的反复过程,使认识不断深化,弄清了磁异常与
The calculation of the external quantum efficiency(η_ ext ) of organic light-emitting devices(OLEDs) is presented theoretically. The basic idea is to obtain η