The Change of the Inlet Geometry of a Centrifugal Compressor Stage and its Influence on the Compress

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tina_xu
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The impact on the compressor performance is important for designing the inlet pipe of the centrifugal compressor of a vehicle turbocharger with different inlet pipes. First, an experiment was performed to determine the compressor performance from three cases: a straight inlet pipe, a long bent inlet pipe and a short bent inlet pipe. Next, dynamic sensors were installed in key positions to collect the sign of the unsteady pressure of the centrifugal compressor. Combined with the results of numerical simulations, the total pressure distortion in the pipes, the pressure distributions on the blades and the pressure variability in the diffuser are studied in detail. The results can be summarized as follows: a bent pipe results in an inlet distortion to the compressor, which leads to performance degradation, and the effect is more apparent as the mass flow rate increases. The distortion induced by the bent inlet is not only influenced by the distance between the outlet of the bent section and the leading edge of the impeller but also by the impeller rotation. The flow fields in the centrifugal impeller and the diffuser are influenced by a coupling effect produced by the upstream inlet distortion and the downstream blocking effect from the volute tongue. If the inlet geometry is changed, the distributions and the fluctuation intensities of the static pressure on the main blade surface of the centrifugal impeller and in the diffuser are changed accordingly. The impact on the compressor performance is important for designing the inlet pipe of the centrifugal compressor of a vehicle turbocharger with different inlet pipes. First, an experiment was performed to determine the compressor performance from three cases: a straight inlet pipe, a long bent inlet Next, dynamic sensors were installed in key positions. In conjunction with the results of numerical simulations, the total pressure distortion in the pipes, the pressure distributions on the blades and the pressure variability in the diffuser are studied in detail. The results can be rounded as follows: a bent pipe results in an inlet pressure to the compressor, which leads to performance degradation, and the effect is more apparent as the mass flow rate increases by the bent inlet is not only influenced by the distance between the outlet of the bent section an d the leading edge of the impeller but also by the impeller rotation. The flow fields in the centrifugal impeller and the diffuser are influenced by a coupling effect produced by the upstream inlet distortion and the downstream blocking effect from the volute tongue. is changed, the distributions and the fluctuation intensities of the static pressure on the main blade surface of the centrifugal impeller and in the diffuser are changed accordingly.
走进育英学校的正门,一条由黑色花岗岩铸就,镌刻着警句箴言的问道路经过江山社稷石绵延到巍峨的思明楼。日复一日,我在问道路上行走着,成长着——  慎思笃行,在初中教学中积累开拓。我曾扎根初中语文教学十余载。在这期间,我问道于专家、书籍、学生,从没有停止学习、思考、实践。在初中诗词教学上,我尝试引领学生从托物言志的诗词入手,感悟诗词中的典型意象,以分析意象为途径,指导学生理解诗词内容,感知文化魅力,积淀
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