
来源 :衡阳师专学报(社会科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangfei223752
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20年前的真理标准大讨论,冲破了长期束缚人们思想的教条主义史学理论的影响,引发了近代史研究的重大变革。并促使人们重新审视中国近代史线索问题以及阶级斗争和农民运动在近代史上的地位和作用、承认资本主义、资产阶级的历史正当性等,从而使中国近代史研究终于成为一门科学,在社会主义精神文明建设中发挥出重要作用。 The discussion of the criterion of truth twenty years ago broke through the influence of dogmatic historiography that has long shackled people’s thinking and led to major changes in the study of modern history. And urge people to re-examine the clues of modern Chinese history and the status and role of class struggle and peasant movement in modern history, recognize the historical legitimacy of capitalism and bourgeois, so that the study of modern Chinese history has finally become a science in society It has played an important role in the construction of spiritual civilization.
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