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近日,省委组织部、省检察院对我省21个地级市检察院87名正副检察长、55名正副反贪局长进行普遍考察。从省委组织部、省政法委和省检察院等部门抽调80名厅级、处级干部组成的10个联合考察组,从政治素质、理论素质、思想品质、组织领导能力、工作作风、廉洁自律、工作实绩、执法水平、任职资格、选任程序等十个方面,全面掌握考察对象情况。考察组制定了班子分类的标准和被考察对象等次划分标准,对班子逐个进行分类,对班子成员逐个划分等次,对每个班子及成员的特点和存在的问题进行了分析研究。结果显示:一类好班子8个,二类比较好的班子11个,三类一般的班子2个。21名检察长中,优秀19名,称职2名;66名副检察长中,优秀11名,称职53名,因新到职不评等次2名。19名反贪局长中(中山揭阳空缺),优秀9名,称职10名;37名反贪局副局长中,优秀8名,称职28 Recently, the provincial Party Committee Organization Department and the Provincial Procuratorate conducted a general inspection of 87 deputy chief procurators and 55 vice-chiefs and anti-corruption directors of 21 prefecture-level procuratorates in our province. From the provincial Party committee Organization Department, Provincial Politics and Law Committee and the Provincial Procuratorate and other departments drawn 80 hall-level cadres at the division level composed of 10 joint inspection team, from the political quality, theoretical quality, ideological quality, organizational leadership, work style, clean self-discipline , Work performance, level of law enforcement, qualifications, elective procedures and other ten aspects, a comprehensive grasp of the object of investigation. The inspection group formulated the standards for the classification of the teams and the subdivision standards of the investigated subjects, classifying the teams one by one, and classifying the team members one by one. The team analyzed the characteristics and existing problems of each team and its members. The results show that: a good class of eight, two better class of 11, three general class of two. Among the 21 prosecutors, 19 were excellent and 2 were competent. Among the 66 deputy chief procurators, 11 were excellent, 53 were qualified, and two were not rated for new job openings. 19 anti-corruption bureau chiefs (Zhongshan Jieyang vacancy), 9 outstanding, 10 competent; 37 anti-corruption bureau deputy director, excellent 8, competent 28
设计圈套诱人制假拍案而起一追到底1998年7月2日,辽宁省灯塔市伶二堡皮装业户阂振刚、屈明财及其亲友,带着乐队抬着“人民好代表、群众贴心人”的牌匾,和“为民代 Design Tr
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课本上的例题一般都很有代表性,同学们要注意举一反三。  人教版数学教科书七年级上册第100页有这样一道例题。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
如果我可以回到2006年11月20日这个冬日的清晨,对正准备扶起老人的彭宇说一句话,我会说,别忙扶。  从当年广泛热议的彭宇案,到如今的小悦悦,已经走过了5个年头。期间类似的案件屡屡见诸报端,每每引发讨论,而其中被讨论最多的一个问题便是,若见路人仆街,是否上前帮扶?  一种观点,尽管实践中数见不鲜,但却会被任何人批驳:无论如何都不做出行动,也就是我们口中的见死不救。  而另一种论断是,我们发扬助人