Transient transport of electrons in thin film electroluminescent devices

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyc1211
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Transient transport of electrons in ZnS-type thin film electroluminescent devices is studied with Monte Carlo method. The variation rule of electrons’ average kinetic energy, average drift velocity and intervalley transfer process are obtained. The transient time and drift length before the balance of acceleration and scattering are about 200 fs and 30-40 nm, respectively. Field emission process of electrons trapped at interface states only affects the transient process of electron transport and makes no influence on the steady state. The new explanations about the “dead layer” phenomenon and the overshoot in the average drift velocity are proposed based on the calculation results. Transient transport of electrons in ZnS-type thin film electroluminescent devices is studied with Monte Carlo method. The variation rule of electrons’ average kinetic energy, average drift velocity and intervalley transfer process are obtained. The transient time and drift length before the balance of acceleration and scattering are about 200 fs and 30-40 nm, respectively. Field emission process of electron trapped at interface states only affects the transient process of electron transport and makes no influence on the steady state. The new explanations about the “dead layer ”phenomenon and the overshoot in the average drift velocity are proposed based on the calculation results."
【摘 要】随着我国教育改革的不断深入,高校工科类工业设计专业设计素描教学模式也发生了相应的改变,但仍然存在延续传统绘画素描的教学模式,不利于培养学生创造性思维。本文首先对高校工科类工业设计专业设计素描教学改革的必要性进行分析,然后提出有效的教学改革与实践策略,供有关人员参考。  【关键词】高校 工科类工业设计 素描教学改革 实践  设计素描课是工科类工业设计专业课程中重要的组成部分,对培养学生空间
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