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荊轲者,卫人也。其先乃齐人。徙于卫,卫人谓之庆卿;而之燕,燕人谓之荆卿。荆卿好读书击剑,以术说卫元君,卫元君不用。其后……荆轲既至燕,爱燕之狗屠及善击筑者高渐离。荆卿嗜酒,日与狗屠及高渐离饮于燕市。酒酣以往,高渐离击筑,荊轲和而 Jing Xi, Wei people too. The first is the Qi people. Resettlement in the Wei, Wei Qing Qing said that; and the Yan, Yan Yan that the people said. Jing Qing fought well for swords and said that he should not use Wei Yuanjun. Afterwards ... ... Jing Ke is both to Yan, Yan Yan’s dog slaughter and good hitting the builders gradually away. Jing Qing is acquainted with alcohol, he slaughtered with dogs, and Gao Yin gradually left for drinking in Yuyan City. In the past, Gao Yan gradually built away from the building and
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案例 1992年10月15日,中国南光贸易珠海公司(以下简称南光公司)向美国通用贸易公司(TUNG YUNGTRADING CORP.)(以下简称通用公司)出口一批1450箱价值85954美元的冻虾仁。按信
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