Facts About the Statue of Libertv自由女神像趣闻

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  1. The Statue of Liberty was intended for Egypt.
  2. 3.2 million people visit the Statue of Liberty every year.
  3. The Statue of Liberty’s full name is “Liberty Enlightening the World”.
  4. The 7 spikes2 on the Statue of Liberty’s crown represent the 7 oceans and the 7 continents3 of the world, meaning the universal concept of liberty.
  5. The head of the Statue of Liberty was displayed at the World’s Fair of 1878 in Paris.
  6. The Statue of Liberty has a 35-foot (10.6m) waistline4.
  7. The original5 torch of the Statue of Liberty was replaced in 1984 by a new copper torch covered in 24k gold leaf.
  8. The Statue of Liberty is hit by about 600 bolts6 of lightning every year.
  1. statue n. 雕像,塑像 liberty n. 自由
  the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像
  2. spike n. 长钉;尖状物
  3. continent n. 大陆,陆地
  4. waistline n. 腰围
  5. original adj. 原始的;最初的
  6. bolt n. 螺栓;雷电
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