Do You Have These Study Habits? 你有这些学习习惯吗?

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  by Grace Fleming
  景一 编译
  Have you ever wondered how you can bomb1 a test after studying for hours? A poor test result after many hours of studying is really confusing. If this happens to you, it’s possible that your current study habits are failing you, but you can turn them.
  1. Taking Linear2 Notes做线性笔记
  Linear notes are lecture notes that students take when they try to write down every word of a lecture in good order. You may be wondering: How can it be bad to write every word of a lecture? It’s not bad to write every word of a lecture, but it is bad to think you’re studying effectively if you don’t follow up with your linear notes in some way.
  You must revisit your notes and put all the information into a chart3 or outline. Right before every new lecture, you should review your notes from days past. You should think and make relationships between key concepts4 before you sit down for a new lecture.
  2. Highlighting5 the Book在书本上乱做标记
  Bright colors on a page make a big visual impact. If you highlight a lot as you read, it may seem like a lot of good studying is going on when that is not the case. Highlighting does make important information stand out on a page, but that doesn’t do you much good if you don’t follow up with some meaningful active learning with that information. Reading highlighted words again and again is not active enough.
  You can put highlighted words onto flashcards6 and practise until you know every concept. You should also develop a way of color-coded highlighting. Highlight new words in one color and new concepts in another, for example. You could also highlight separate topics according to a color code.
  3. Rewriting Notes重写笔记
  Some students rewrite notes because they believe it is good for memorization7. It is valuable as a first step, but it’s not that effective all alone.
  You should make your notes briefer while rewriting them. You can also switch8 class notes with a classmate and exchange practice exams to test each other until you are comfortable with the material.   一些学生认为重写笔记有助于记忆。重写笔记作为第一步是很有用的,但光是重复并没有那么有效。
  4. Rereading the Chapter重读章节
  Students are often encouraged to re-read a chapter on the night before an exam to reinforce9 what they’ve learned. Rereading is a good way as a last step. Just like the other study habits mentioned above, rereading is only one part of studying.
  You should make sure to use active steps like charts, and practice tests and follow up with rereading your chapter.
  5. Memorizing Definitions10 记定义
  Students spend a lot of time using flashcards to memorize definitions. This is a good study method, as long as it’s a first step of learning. However, you can’t expect to do well on an exam by memorizing the definitions. You should understand how they are related in the subject, and compare them to similar concepts.
  Once you have memorized the definitions, give yourself a short practice test. The act of testing and retesting yourself somehow makes the information stick.
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