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从简阳市区向西北行驶5公里,就来到了石桥镇。这座静静矗立在沱江之滨的古镇,千百年来以水利交通枢纽和物资集散地而闻名,故被称为“小汉口”。石桥镇境内的沱江水势平静,岸高水深,船只易于停泊,使得石桥镇成为一个天然良港。又由于石桥地处东大路要冲,大批货物经此中转,石桥镇成为沟通川西、川南、川北的交通枢纽。水陆交通运输的便利,造就了石桥镇工商业的繁荣。新中国成立前,石桥镇的私营工商业户多达千家,其中除米、糖、烟、酒、盐、油、棉、山货等8大商业外,另有71个行业。随着工商业的发展,金融业应运而生,相继来石桥开业的银行钱庄有12家。由于历史悠久,商业发达,所以石桥镇文物古迹众多。其中有明末清初福建、广东等地来石桥经商者修建的规模宏大的会馆6所,有 From Jianyang downtown to the northwest 5 kilometers, came to the stone bridge town. This quietly standing ancient town on the bank of the Tuojiang River is famous for its water conservancy transportation hubs and distribution centers for thousands of years and is therefore called “Little Hankou”. The water level of Tuojiang River in Shiqiao Town is calm, the shore is deep and the ships are easy to park, making Shiqiao Town become a natural harbor. Due to the fact that Shiqiao is located on the east side of Dongdaerte, a large number of goods are transferred here, and Shiqiao Town has become a traffic hub for communicating with western Sichuan, southern Sichuan and northern Sichuan. The convenience of water and land transportation, created the prosperity of industry and commerce in Shiqiao Town. Before the founding of New China, there were as many as 1,000 private industrial and commercial households in Shiqiao Town, of which 71 were in addition to the 8 major businesses such as rice, sugar, tobacco, alcohol, salt, oil, cotton and shanhuo. With the development of industry and commerce, the financial industry came into being. There are 12 banks that have opened their banks in succession. Due to its long history and well-developed business, many cultural relics are present in Shiqiao Town. Among them, there are six large-scale clubhouses built by businessmen from Fujian, Guangdong and other places in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty,
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高中数学新教材以较多的篇幅充实了概率、统计等内容 ,特别强调了离散型随机变量的概型及应用 ,但学生课外教辅用书 ,以及竞赛题中常有几何概型的题目 ,笔者认为这些内容对学
神经肽Y(neuropeptide Y,NPY)由36个氨基酸组成的酪氨酸,与多肽YY和胰多肽组成胰多肽家族,它们广泛分布于中枢神经系统。在中枢神经系统的海马组织内NPY含量最高,主要由γ-氨
三、对技术权益正当归属的法律保护 企业人才流动中出现的技术权益纠葛问题,已引起社会各界的广泛关注,如不认真加以解决,势必影响我国建立社会主义市场经济体制的进程,当务