New GDP Target

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlbqnsd
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CPC, the largest political party of China, recently held its seventeenth conference that is held every fifth year. Hu Jintao, President of China and General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, set a new target in his report at the conference that the GDP per capita of China in 2020 will be four times that of 2000. This was the first appearance of such a target in CPC’s normal report. Five years ago. the sixteenth conference of CPC submitted a report that included a target that the GDP of China in 2020 would be four times that of 2000, without the phrase of per capita. Due to a huge population of China, GDP per capita index better reflects the ben- CPC, the largest political party of China, recently held its seventeenth conference that is held every fifth year. Hu Jintao, President of China and General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, set a new target in his report at the conference that the GDP per capita of China in 2020 will be four times that of 2000. This was the first appearance of such a target in CPC’s normal report. Five years ago. the sixteenth conference of CPC submitted a report that included a target that the GDP of China in 2020 would be four times that of 2000, without the phrase of per capita. Due to a huge population of China, GDP per capita index better reflects the ben-
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