An active base designed in high-counting-rate applications for Hamamatsu R1924A photomultiplier tube

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mahw9866
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Hamamatsu R1924A is one of the most widely used photomultiplier tubes(PMTs) in nuclear physics.Since the active base suitable for R1924A is still not available in market, an active base is designed for Hamamatsu R1924A PMT, and the test results at high counting rates are presented. The active bases with two different sets of resistor chains were tested and compared by a frequency-controlled green straw hat LED light. A stable signal output up to 100 kHz is achieved using frequency-controlled LED pulsed light. The temperature of bases, which reflects the power consumption and is crucial for applications in vacuum, is also monitored with the same LED pulsed light. The temperature of the active base with smaller resistances reaches about twice of that of the active base with larger resistances in the resistor chain. For the applications in vacuum, the active base with resistance between the two sets of resistor chains may be preferable. Hamamatsu R1924A is one of the most widely used photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) in nuclear physics. Since the active base suitable for R1924A is still not available in the market, an active base is designed for Hamamatsu R1924A PMT, and the test results at high counting rates are presented. The active bases with two different sets of resistor chains were tested and compared by a frequency-controlled green straw hat LED light. A stable signal output up to 100 kHz is achieved using frequency-controlled LED pulsed light. The temperature of bases , which reflects the power consumption and is crucial for applications in vacuum, is also monitored with the same LED pulsed light. The temperature of the active base with smaller resistances reaches about twice of that of the active base with larger resistances in the resistor chain. For the applications in vacuum, the active base with resistance between the two sets of resistor chains may be preferable.
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