
来源 :青年学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:assembly2010
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尊敬的《青年学报》作者:数据出版与引证是国际学术研究新潮流,数据共享更是促进学术研究的新方式。为促进青少年研究领域的数据管理、数据共享、调研协作和数据应用开发等合作,上海青少年研究中心成立了中国首家、国际接轨、全球互通的青少年研究数据平台。目前该平台向《青年学报》作者免费提供学术支持服务,您在本平台注册登录后可以存储、下载、发布、共享符合国际引证 Dear “Junior” Author: Data are published and cited the new trend of international academic research, data sharing is the new way to promote academic research. In order to promote data management, data sharing, research collaboration and data application development in the field of youth research, the Shanghai Youth Research Center has set up the first research platform for adolescent data in China that is the first in China to be internationally accepted and interoperable globally. At present, the platform provides academic support services to the authors of “Youth Journal” free of charge. You can register, download, publish and share this platform with international citation
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
在分解因式时,有时遇到的多项式中,不止一个字母,若认定其中某一个字母为主元,按降幂排列,便会发现有公因式可提或可利用公式,给分解带来方便,请看下面的例子.例1 分解因式
学生出走,近年来呈上升趋势。根据自己的见闻和经手处理的一些学生出走事件,我认为大致可以分为四类: 诱惑型。小宋是某校初二学生,班上文艺委员,思想活跃,性格开朗。一日,
The Tanzania-Zambia Railway with a total length of 1,860.5 kilometres starts from Dar es Salaam, capital of Tanzania in the east and ends in New Kapiri Mposhi i