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这次全国财政理论讨论会结合当前经济发展和体制改革的任务,就经济形势、国民经济综合平衡,深化财政体制改革、完善企业经营机制等问题展开了讨论。 (一)关于经济形势问题同志们一致认为,党的十一届三中全会以来,我国的经济建设和体制改革取得了举世瞩目的成就,国家经济实力大大增强,城乡绝大多数居民的物质和文化生活得到了明显的提高和改善,形势是很好的,同时,也必须十分清醒地认识到,当前经济生活中还存在着一些不稳定因素。悲观失望和盲目乐观都是没有根据的。大家在讨论中强调,判断经济形势,必须坚持辩证唯物主义观点,区分本质和现象、主流和支流,既要看当年,也要看连续的几年及其对今后的影响;既要 The national seminar on financial theory, in combination with the current task of economic development and structural reform, discussed the issues concerning the economic situation, the overall balance of the national economy, the reform of the financial system, and the improvement of the operating mechanism of enterprises. (I) Regarding the Economic Situation Comrades agree that since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, China’s economic construction and structural reform have made remarkable achievements in the world. The country’s economic strength has been greatly enhanced, and the material and social conditions of the vast majority of urban and rural residents The cultural life has been obviously improved and improved. The situation is very good. At the same time, we must also be very clear in our understanding that there are still some unstable factors in the current economic life. Both pessimism and blind optimism are unfounded. During the discussion, everyone emphasized that in judging the economic situation, we must uphold the dialectical materialist point of view and distinguish between essence and phenomenon, the mainstream and the tributaries, not only in the current year, but also in successive years and their impact on the future;
目前,在讲英语的加勒比地区,植物检疫正出现令人困惑的状况:一方面,这个地区在 100多年前,为了保证检疫法规的执行,植物检疫工作被摆在相当重要的位置;到了1898年,几乎每一
为了比较高原世居藏族与移居汉族氧传送和利用的特点 ,在海拔 3 417m高原测定了 17名当地世居藏族和 19名移居汉族在静息和运动状态下的通气、循环、代谢和气体交换状况。结
引言林木病虫害(真菌和害虫)从一个洲传进另一个洲的事例已有很多文件记载。在20世纪初期和19世纪末期,白松疱锈病菌Cronartium ribicola和栗疫病菌Cryphonectria(Endothia)
Hydroxyapatite powder was prepared by sol-gel method using the calcium nitrate tetrahydrate and pentoxide as reactant. The effects of main processing parameters
为了了解农户施用农药防治水稻病虫的情况,我们于1987年7月12~20日和10月18~25日分别在全区18个县(市)考查了87户农户施用农药防治早、晚稻病虫情况,现将结果整理如下。 In o