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一、序言课是激发学生学习兴趣的开端 杨振宁博士曾经说过:“成功的秘决便是兴趣”。初二学生以前没有接触过物理,对这门学科还很陌生,所以上好序言课特别重要。通过序言课可把学生带入一个奇妙的物理世界。上课时,我首先演示三棱镜分解白光的实验。而后演示验证大气压存在的实验。告诉学生,等他们学了简单的物理知识后就可以解释这一切了。生活中还有许许多多的现象,都可以用物理知识来解释。如:在百米赛跑的运动场上,有经验的记时员都是看到发令枪的烟雾后掐表,而不是听到发令枪声后掐表。为什么?冰棍放在保温杯里化得快还是放在普通杯里化得快?下雪后,为什么被人踩脏的雪化得快,而干净的雪化得慢?象这样发生在学生身边而又不被他们注意的问 First, the preface class is the beginning of exciting students’ interest in learning Dr. Yang Zhenning once said: “The secret of success is interest”. The first two students had not been in contact with physics before and they are still unfamiliar with this subject. Therefore, it is particularly important to have a good preface. Through the preface lesson, students can be brought into a wonderful physical world. In class, I first demonstrated the experiment of the prisms decomposing white light. Then demonstrate the experiment to verify the presence of atmospheric pressure. Tell students that when they learn simple physical knowledge they can explain everything. There are many phenomena in life that can be explained by physical knowledge. For example, in the 100-meter race field, experienced chronographs watch the smoke of the starting gun, rather than watch the sound of the starting gun. Why is it that the ice lolly sticks quickly in the flask or is it in the regular cup? After snow, why is it snowing fast on the dirt, and the snow is slowing down cleanly? As happened to the students And they were not asked by them
陶行知先生说:先生的责任在教学生学,先生教的法子必须根据学的法子。很明显,这里所指的“教”,不仅是教知识,也是教方法。 Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: The responsibility of the te
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