培养兴趣 提高能力

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小学生中有60%的怕作文,不喜欢作文。为什么学生对作文不感兴趣呢?我认为教师在写作指导上,还不够科学,不够系统,只重视学生作文的外部指导,即选词选句等技巧的指导,而忽视学生内因,即兴趣、情感等非智力因素的培养。“兴趣是最好的教师。”如何培养学生的写作兴趣呢?我认为要抓好激发、引导、保持、爱护和发展五个环节。一、捕捉时机激发兴趣激发兴趣是把已经形成的,潜在的学习兴趣充分调动出来。作文教学要根据学生心理特点,抓住有利时机,激发学生的写作兴趣。如第六册第二单元作文要求“写春天的景色”。我便把孩子们带到野外踏青。学生们高兴极了,一会看嫩绿的小草,一会看树上刚发出来的芽苞,一会又到小河边……到处寻找春天。回来的路上,他们谈笑风生,觉得大自然的春 60% of pupils are afraid of composition, do not like composition. Why do students not interested in essay? I think teachers in writing guidance, not enough science, not systematic, only emphasize the external guidance of student essay, that is, the selection of words and other skills guidance, while ignoring the students' internal causes, ie, interest, emotion And other non-intelligence training. “Interest is the best teacher. ” How to cultivate students' interest in writing? I think we should do a good job inspiring, guiding, maintaining, care and development of the five areas. First, capture the opportunity to stimulate interest to stimulate interest is to have been formed, the potential interest in learning fully mobilized. Composition teaching should be based on the psychological characteristics of students, seize the favorable opportunity to stimulate students' writing interest. For example, the second unit of Volume VI composition requirements “write the spring scenery ”. I took the children out to the wild. The students are very happy, a look at the green grass, a look at the tree just bud, and then went to the river ... ... looking for spring everywhere. On the way back, they laugh, feel the spring of nature
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