
来源 :中学物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwb19831101
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中学物理学生感到难学,教师感到难教,这是一种十分普通的现象,究其原因很重要的一点是学生对中学物理概念学习感到很困难.一个中学物理教师教得好不好,不是看你能解多少题目,而是看你能不能将物理概念教好. Secondary school physics students feel hard to learn, teachers feel difficult to teach, this is a very common phenomenon, the reason is very important because students feel difficult to learn the concept of physics in high school physics teacher teaching a good middle school, not to see How many questions you can solve, but see if you can teach physics concepts.
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