善于“听真话” 群众才能“讲真话”

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听真话与讲真话是和谐统一的,二者又互为因果。听真话是前提,若无人愿听真话,抑或讲了真话遭遇不测,谁还敢“言为心声”实话直说呢?所以,“讲真话”要有人“听”,甚至“爱听”,才有存在的可能,才能如子期遇伯牙,高山流水有知音。据说周恩来1961年在河北武安县搞农村调查,几次座谈会上农民只是憨厚地笑,不敢随便说话,或者顺口说“公共食堂好”、“社员生活好”。此时,周恩来若“为浮云遮望眼”,七八次座谈会后调查也就戛然而止了。但他并不罢休,又继续召集社员座谈,群众终于被“知音”感动,吐露真言。精诚所至,金石为开。你真心实意听真话,有其大度的作风,才会引出讲真话、道实情的人。 Listening to the truth and telling the truth are in harmony and unity, and the two are mutually causal. Listening to the truth is the premise, if no one wants to hear the truth, or tell the truth in the event of an accident, who dares to “speak for the truth” to be honest? So, “tell the truth” someone “listen” or even “ Love to listen, ”there is the possibility of existence, such as sub-Bo case of teeth, mountains and rivers of knowledge. It is said that Zhou Enlai conducted a rural investigation in Wu’an County, Hebei Province in 1961. At several symposiums, the peasants just simple and honestly laughed and did not dare to speak casually or simply said that “public canteens are good” and “members should live well.” At this point, Zhou Enlai if “for the clouds to hide their eyes”, after the seventy-eight Symposium investigation will abrupt end. However, he did not give up and continued to convene members’ forums. The masses were finally moved by “companion” to reveal the truth. Faith will move mountains to open. You really sincerely listen to the truth, with its generous style, will lead to tell the truth, the truth of the people.
The auto body process monitoring and the root cause diagnosis based on data-driven approaches are vital ways to improve the dimension quality of sheet metal ass
二十世纪七十年代,中国钢琴创作领域产生了三首取材古琴音乐的钢琴改编曲,分别是黎英海创作的《阳关三叠》、王建中创作的《梅花三弄》、陈培勋创作的钢琴曲《流水》。 本文