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颠倒温度表是海洋调查中问世较早,使用广泛的一种仪器。但是,它的“精度”究竟是多少,至今尚争执不休。众说不一。现仅就闭端颠倒温度表的“精度”谈点粗浅看法。一、什么叫“精度”?大家知道,在实施测量时,由于仪器本身的品质、客观条件及使用仪器的入等种种原因,会引入种种误差。这些误差按其表现形式归结起来可分为系统误差、随机误差和疏忽误 Inverted thermometer is the earliest published ocean survey, a widely used instrument. However, its “precision ” what is the actual number is still endless dispute. Different opinions. Only on the closed end of the thermometer upside down “precision ” talk about the superficial view. First, what is “precision”? As we all know, in the implementation of measurement, due to the quality of the instrument itself, the objective conditions and the use of equipment into a variety of reasons, will introduce a variety of errors. These errors according to their manifestations can be summed up in the system error, random error and negligence
In this paper some properties of n+k (k≥4) phase multisystems are discussed and thesymbolism depicting them is proposed systematically. Upon this, the combina
An empirical orthogonal function analysis has been applied to solving the forecast problem of the monthly mean sea surface temperature for the East China Sea a
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Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION The economical consideration has made it necessary to build a port at Blue Bay. The main problem to establish a port has been the existence of
1982年(第 1卷) S 一0发刊词纪念海洋生物学家张苦所长…………………………………………………………齐钟彦、谢玉坎(1)有关中国断块构造的几个问题………………,……………