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生产资料的“双轨制”价格是我国特定历史条件下的产物。我国长期以来,在生产资料中,一些主要原材料和燃料的价格严重偏低于价值,阻碍了基础工业的发展,造成了严重供不应求的状况,对整个国民经济产生了很大影响,这种状况必须加以改变,原材料和燃料的价格必须进行调整。原材料和燃料工业属于基础工业,它的价格对其它产品的价格影响极大,要比较大的调高原材料和燃料的价格,势必会造成一系列连锁反应,不仅会影响整个生产资料的价格,而且还会影响生活资料的价格,连成价格大的波动,这对价格体系改革是十分不利的。要解决这一矛盾,既不能全面调高原材料和燃料的价格,实行统一的国家计划价格;又不能全面放开,由市场机制进行调节,因为这样都会造成价格大的波动。只能对计划内主要产品和重点建设项目所需的原材料和燃料实行比较低的计划价格,以保证这些产品的生产和重点建设不 The “dual track” price of production materials is the product of China’s specific historical conditions. For a long time in our country’s production materials, the prices of some major raw materials and fuels have been seriously lower than the value, which has hindered the development of basic industries and caused a serious shortage of supply. This has had a great impact on the entire national economy. To change, the prices of raw materials and fuel must be adjusted. The raw material and fuel industry is a basic industry. Its price has a great influence on the prices of other products. A relatively large increase in the prices of raw materials and fuels is bound to cause a series of chain reactions that not only affect the prices of the entire production materials, but also It will also affect the price of living materials and even become large price fluctuations, which is very unfavorable to the reform of the price system. To resolve this contradiction, we can neither increase the prices of raw materials and fuels completely, implement a unified national plan price, nor can we fully liberalize and adjust the market mechanism, because this will cause large price fluctuations. Only a relatively low planned price may be applied to the raw materials and fuels required for the major products and key construction projects of the plan, so as to ensure that the production and key construction of these products are not
双马牌三千团圆月1985年被评为商业部优质产品。该产品是在传统的月饼中的大提浆的基础上再提高而成。采用富强粉、绵白糖、香油等制皮,用精选的多种果仁、果脯冰糖等作 Sh