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Archaeology Department of North-West University Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology Dunhuang City’s Museum abstract Xitugou site is situated at the west bank of Xitugou river,near Nanhu forest farm,Dunhuang city,in Gansu province.In August,2001,the site was invested generally.Pairs of gravel stack,4 ancient sites and 7 remins are discovered.There are some color pottery and grey—brown-pottery,some pot,tub.ect. The new materials are important to makeing out relation among “Banshan culture”,“Machang culture ” and “Siba culture”,as well as color pottery cultural relation among Gansu,Qinghai, Xinjiang . Archeology Department of North-West University Gansu Provincial Institute of Archeology Dunhuang City’s Museum abstract Xitugou site is situated at the west bank of Xitugou river, near Nanhu forest farm, Dunhuang city, in Gansu province. August, 2001, the site was taken generally .Pairs of gravel stack, 4 ancient sites and 7 remins are discovered.There are some color pottery and gray-brown-pottery, some pot, tub.ect. The new materials are important to makeing out relations among “Banshan culture”, “ Machang culture ”and“ Siba culture ”, as well as color pottery cultural relation among Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang.
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