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纪念国家自然科学基金十周年新闻发布会5月25日下午在北京举行,国家自然科学基金委员会主任张存浩教授向中外记者发表了讲话。委员会领导成员就各自分管的工作回答了中外记者的提问。张存浩主任向中外记者说:为加强基础研究,1992年国家财政增加自然科学基金拨款5000万元,使国家自然科学基金总额由1991年的1.76亿元提高到今年的2.26亿元,其增加幅度与增长率都是国家自然科学基金委员会成立以来最大的,体现了国家对科学基金事业及基础的重视和支持,对我们是很大的鼓舞。增加的经费,我们将根据国家关于稳定一支精干的基础研究队伍,加强基础研究的要求,主要用于增加对于基金项目的资助强度,预计今年 Press Conference on the 10th Anniversary of the National Natural Science Foundation of China was held in Beijing on the afternoon of May 25, and Professor Zhang Cun-ho, director of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, made a speech to Chinese and foreign reporters. The leading members of the committee answered the questions of Chinese and foreign reporters on their respective work. Director Zhang Cunhao said to Chinese and foreign reporters: In order to strengthen basic research, in 1992, the state finance increased the amount of funds allocated by the Natural Science Foundation of 50 million yuan to raise the total amount of the National Natural Science Fund from 176 million yuan in 1991 to 226 million yuan this year. The growth rate is the largest since the establishment of NSFC and reflects the importance and support given by the state to the cause and foundation of the Science Fund. It is a great encouragement to us. According to the requirements of the State on stabilizing a capable basic research team and strengthening basic research, we will mainly use it to increase the intensity of funding for fund projects. It is estimated that this year
去到你的房间,必经詹姆斯的走廊。标题中的詹姆斯当然不是篮球明星勒布朗·詹姆斯,而是另一位对美国乃至世界产生过重大影响的近代美国名人威廉·詹姆斯(William James,1842
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在1977年的计量展览会上,James Neill公司和QualityMeasurement Inc 公司分别展出了两种电子千分尺,其共同特点是:用手拿着检查;有内装电源便于携带;用数字显示方法读数。这
前言用 Rayleigh 法求解园板自振频率的近似值时所选形状函数(挠曲面)首先要满足园板边界条件。已有文献中园板边界条件仅考虑了简支边和固定边两种.本文根据文献[1]的结论
目的 研究神经生长因子 (NGF)和溴隐亭 (BC)对体外培养的垂体催乳素 (PRL)分泌腺瘤细胞的激素分泌量和增殖的影响。方法 每例体外培养的垂体PRL分泌腺瘤细胞被分成 4组 :对
1 前言科学研究领域的发展情况通常可以根据若干的标准里程碑来评价。单层和多层薄膜光学性质的研究和应用的确已达到了如下程度。 (1) 如果某些假定能满足膜层结构,在理论