Chicken Train

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Scientists at NASA have developed agun built specifically to launch dead chick-ens at the windshields of airliners,militaryjets and the space shuttle,all traveling atmaximum velocity.The idea is to simulatethe frequent incidents of collisions with air-borne fowl to test the strength of the wind-shields.British engineers heard about thegun and were eager to test it on the wind-shields of their new high speed trains.Arrangements were made.But whenthe gun was fired,the engineers stood Scientists at NASA have developed agun built specifically to launch dead chick-ens at the windshields of airliners, militaryjets and the space shuttle, all traveling atmaximum velocity. The idea is to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with air-borne fowl to test the strength of the wind-shields.British engineers heard about thegun and were eager to test it on the wind-shields their new high speed trains.Arrangements were made. But whenthe gun was fired, the engineers stood
新课程的最高宗旨和核心理念是:“一切为了每一个学生的发展”,而发展是一个动态生成的过程。这就要求我们的课堂应是时时关注学生成长与个性发展,处处闪现生命活力的和谐课堂。钟启泉教授在《现代课程论》中指出:“从生命的高度看,每一节课都是不可重复的激情与智慧综合生成的过程”。这种生成性的课堂正是我们数学教学的追求。  一、在和谐氛围中,期待生成的闪现  严先云教授认为:教学情境有很强的激发动机和引起行为的
“出门靠地图 ,上网找搜狐”,靠搜索服务起家的搜狐网 ,现在全国大力推广“搜狐黄页”,被录入的广大中小企业通过他能拓展销售及服务的渠道。“每天几块钱 ,网上派个业务员”
MR.and Mrs.Watershave two children.Their son,Paul,is twoyears old,and their daughter,Vic-toria,is six months old.Paul andVictoria are like most other chil-dren
目的评价长春瑞滨联合顺铂治疗复发或转移性鼻咽癌的疗效及毒性。方法26例复发或转移性鼻咽癌接受长春瑞滨(NVB)25 mg/m2,第1,8天;顺铂(DDP)30 mg/m2,第3,4,5天,21d为一周期,
The setter first came toJack Barlow’s door soonafter he moved into thelittle village. Barlowwondered if the dog would be anygood on grouse. “Who owns the big
执教二十几年,我有幸成为一名语文教师,辛勤耕耘在语文教学这片沃土上,洒下了无尽的汗水,曾经收获了些许希望。作为一名语文教师,如何将工作做得更出色,更深入人心,这就需要从点点滴滴,踏踏实实做起,寄情于语文教学之中。  一、以爱心赢得学生  教师首先做到正直无私。中学生的情感日益丰富,但异常脆弱,教师要以诚相待,善于发现和抓住每一位学生的闪光点,给予充分的表扬、鼓励、肯定,尊重和呵护每一位学生的自尊心
三维激光扫描技术作为一项新兴的测量技术,目前已在滑坡监测等领域广泛使用。本文采用Leica Nova MS50三维激光扫描仪对陕西省渭玉高速公路工程处治滑坡进行野外数据采集;使