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从整体来看,全国科技报大多处于发展焦虑与发展方向选择混沌期。以面向农村、为三农服务的大多数没有事业经费供养的科技报,在国家对农业实施全覆盖、系统化、社会化的财政资金不断加大投入政策的推动下,科技报传统服务三农的有偿技术服务面与范围不断狭窄化。科技报因其纸质媒体的物化特性与传媒的意识形态属性,决定其生存与发展一时一刻也离不开社会现实发展环境。其生存与发展受社会现实环境的制约与限制,并为社会现实环境改善提供有效服务。科技报选择正确的发展方向,立身于社会现实环境,熟知社会环境,立足于为社会现实环境改善提供有效服务,步入良性发展轨道,要从学习、研究、熟知、遵从政策导向做起。认真学习党的各项路线方针政策,认真体会国家发展方略,努力熟知和遵循社会发展趋势,探索并争取早日具有社会发展视阈,摸索出一条适合报社自身实际的创新发展之路。 As a whole, most of China’s science and technology newspapers are in the chaotic period of developing anxiety and developing direction. With the support of most science and technology newspapers that are not provided for by the government in the rural areas and serving the agriculture, rural areas and farmers, the science and technology newspaper serves the agriculture, rural areas and farmers The paid technical services and the scope of the increasingly narrow. Because of the physical and chemical characteristics of the paper media and the ideological attributes of the media, science and technology newspaper can not be separated from the real development environment of society at the moment because of its survival and development. Its survival and development are restricted and restricted by the actual social environment and provide effective services for the improvement of social reality and environment. Science and Technology News select the correct direction of development, standing in the social reality environment, familiar with the social environment, based on the improvement of social reality to provide effective services, into the track of healthy development, from learning, research, familiar with and follow the policy-oriented start. Conscientiously study various directions and policies of the party, earnestly understand the strategy of national development, make efforts to be familiar with and follow the trend of social development, explore and strive for an early threshold of social development, and find out a road of innovation and development suitable for the newspaper itself.