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   1. Why is the woman here?
   A. Visiting Japan.
   B. Having a vacation.
   C. Studying English.
   2. What does the man ask for?
   A. Some coins.
   B. A machine.
   C. Coffee.
   3. Why is the man standing outside?
   A. The meeting has been put off.
   B. He is waiting for the teacher.
   C. He can’t get into the room.
   4. Where will the man meet the woman?
   A. At the restaurant.
   B. In the market.
   C. At the gym.
   5. Where did the man put his camera?
   A. On the steps.
   B. By the tower.
   C. In his car.
   6. What is the woman doing?
   A. Asking for permission.
   B. Offering an invitation.
   C. Giving help.
   7. What day have they agreed on?
   A. Friday. B. Monday.C. Wednesday.
   8. What can visitors see every day during the festival?
   A. Plays. B. Films.C. Paintings.
   9. Where will the concerts of Irish music take place?
   A. At the exhibition.
   B. In the Town Hall.
   C. In the Theatre.
   10. What is the man doing?
   A. Planning how to save money.
   B. Working out how much he spends a month.
   C. Explaining why his money runs out quickly.
   11. How much does the man pay for books every month?
   A. About £50.
   B. About £28.
   C. About £30.
   12. What does the man spend most of his money on?
   A. Transport.B. Books. C. Food.
   13. Where does the pollution probably come from?
   A. The village.
   B. The valley.
   C. The forest.
   14. Where is the village?
   A. In the valley.
   B. Above the forest.
   C. On top of the mountain.
   15. What does Anna want her father to do?
   A. To collect her from the party.
   B. To attend the party with her.
   C. To drive her to the party.
   16. Whose birthday party is it?
   A. Mary’s.B. Jane’s. C. Tom’s.
   17. What’s Jane’s father going to do?
   A. To arrange for the ride.
   B. To see Jane at the party.
   C. To bring Anna back home.
   18. When can the children play the sports of their choices?
   A. In the afternoon.
   B. In the morning.
   C. At noon.
   19. What do we learn about the camp activities?
   A. Ten sports for the week.
   B. Ten shirts for most sports.
   C. Lunch from 12∶15 to 1∶45.
   20. Who might be the speaker?
   A. One of the group leaders.
   B. The organizer of the camp.
   C. The teacher of the students.
   21. When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He ________ her before.
   A. never saw B. had never seen
   C. never sees D. has never seen
   22. After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment ________ .
   A. is damaged B. had damaged
   C. damaged D. was damaged
   23. It is almost five years we saw each other last time.
   A. before B. since
   C. after D. when
   24. He never said that he was good at mathematics,________?
   A. was he B. wasn’t he
   C. did he D. didn’t he
   25. ________ recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S. would be higher than the number of English speakers by________year 2090.
   A. A;the B. A;不填
   C. The;不填 D. The;a
   26. Do you still remember the chicken farm________we visited three months ago?
   A. where B. when
   C. that D. what
   27. I have lost one of my gloves. I ________ it somewhere.
   A. must drop
   B. must have dropped
   C. must be dropping
   D.must have been dropped
   28. We asked John and Jerry, but________ of them could offer a satisfactory explanation.
   A. either B. noneC. bothD. neither
   29. The Internet has brought________big changes in the way we work.
   A. about B. out C. backD. up
   30. It took us quite a long time to get here. It was________ journey.
   A. three hour B. a three hours
   C. a three hour D. three hours
   31. I can’t see any coffee in this cupboard. ________?
   A. Has it all been finished
   B. Was it all finished
   C. Has it all finished
   D. Did it all finish
   32.________ my sister three times today but her line was always busy.
   A. I’d phoned B. I’ve been phoning
   C. I’ve phoned D. I was phoning
   33. Lose one hour in the morning________you will be looking for it the rest of the day.
   A. but B. and C. or D. so
   34.with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.
   A. To face B. Having faced
   C. Faced D. Facing
   35. Simon thought his computer was broken ________ his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on.
   A. until B. unless
   C. after D. because
   A Shelter for the Homeless
   Last summer I was a volunteer (志愿者) at a shelter for the homeless, a place for homeless people to sleep at night. I wasn’t working that summer and was36 only two classes in summer school, so I had some37 time.
   Three nights a week, I38in the kitchen of the shelter along with four other volunteers. We planned and39for 45 people hot meals40vegetables, chicken, fish and fruit. The homeless people41this good food because many of them usually didn’t eat well.
   I42this volunteer work, making43with the four volunteers in the kitchen. One was a very nice elderly housewife, one a movie actor, another a young teacher, and the other a college student, 44me.
   I talked to a lot of the homeless people at the shelter. Their life stories45me with sympathy (同情). Some of them had46with alcohol (酒) or drugs while others only had bad47. One woman worked for almost 30 years for a small company, and48she lost her job. She looked for a49job,but couldn’t find one, for she was too50. She could do nothing but sell her furniture — sofas, chairs, and tables51she could pay for her food.The woman52on job hunting, but she53couldn’t find one.She had no money for her54and had to sleep in her car. Then she had to sell her car. Alone, 55, and homeless, she finally came to the shelter.
   36. A. studying B. planning
   C. holding D. taking
   37. A. full B. free C. extra D. long
   38. A. helped B. waited
   C. appeared D. washed
   39. A. ordered B. bought
   C. cooked D. finished
   40. A. with B. from
   C. by D. in
   41. A. demanded B. needed
   C. collected D. requested
   42. A. wanted B. had
   C. owned D. enjoyed
   43. A. decisions B. wishes
   C. friends D. changes
   44. A. as B. like
   C. except D. besides
   45. A. struck B. filled
   C. seized D. provided
   46. A. habits B. worries
   C. difficulties D. problems
   47. A. luck B. pain
   C. experience D. loss
   48. A. so B. again
   C. then D. thus
   49. A. good B. fresh
   C. skilled D. new
   50. A. old B. poor
   C. sick D. dull
   51. A. if B. because C. so that D. in case
   52. A. went B. moved C. came D. worked
   53. A. also B. still
   C. almost D. even
   54. A. block B. cottage
   C. building D. flat
   55. A. afraid B. shy
   C. shocked D. mad
   56. If you are interested in working in a hotel, call.
   A. 4359201 B. 5347618
   C. 3249817 D. 3572897
   57. If you want to get a job as a maths teacher, send your resume to ________ .
   A. 237 Rockledge St., Syracuse, NY. 13224
   B. 404 Snow Road, Syracuse, NY. 13224
   C. 500 Park Drive, DeWitt, NY. 13214
   D. 19 South 8th St. NY. 13214
   58. If you dislike working on Sundays, being a________ should be your best choice.
   A. cook
   B. secretary
   C. salesperson
   D. veterinarian assistant
   59. If you want to get a job at ________ , you must have office skills.
   A. Martin’s Apparel
   B. East Side Management
   C. Wales Charter School
   D. Johnson Marks Animal Hospital
  Sleep Struggle
   I have such a terrible time falling asleep everynight that I’m always tired and it’s affecting my schoolwork.What should I do? -- Mindy in Nevada
   One in every five young people has a sleep problem, so you’re not alone.Getting enough sleep has become as important as eating vegetables and exercising regularly. It’s very important for your body.
   Most young people only get seven hours of sleep each night, when they actually need nine hours. And making up for lost sleep during the week by sleeping in on weekends doesn’t really work. In fact, sleeping late on weekends may actually do you more harm than good, if you have sleep problems.
理智是一种无需声张的厚实,一种并不陡峭的高度,更是一种明亮而不刺眼的光辉,一种圆润而不腻耳的音响,是一种不理会哄闹的微笑,一种洗刷了偏激的温和,更一种不再需要对别人察言观色的从容,一种终于停止向周围申诉求告的大气。  理智,让勃郁的豪情发过了酵。  如果说他的命运是那荒芜的草原,那么因为他的理智,让荒原繁花似锦,光艳夺目。如果说他的命运是那漆黑的夜空,那么,因为他的理智,让夜空繁星闪烁,熠熠发光。
怒火中烧,理智是阻止野火殄灭一切的冷雨,还心灵一片葱郁的清爽与安详;怒涛翻滚,理智安定巨浪倾覆山河的引力,还头脑一丝明快与平和。若愤怒是遮天蔽日的乌云,那么理智就是闪耀真理光辉的太阳。  携理智之光辉,马克照亮人生的似锦前程。  几年前,马克还只有一个开发软件的小公司。在一次软件交流的酒会上,大公司的老总以极其不屑的眼光睥睨马克:“乳臭未干的小毛孩还想和我们竞争,还是回家吃奶吧!”在场的人都屏住了
请根据下面提示,写一篇约100字左右的短文。  最近,你班同学参加了某英语报社组织的一次讨论。讨论的主题是:中学生应不应该上网。有人支持,有人反对。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况并发表你自己的看法。  赞同上网   上网可以查询资料  上网可以提高成绩,尤其是英语  上网可以结识朋友  不赞同上网   上网玩游戏浪费时间和金钱  有害的垃圾内容太多  容易上瘾  应该取缔网
1. By no means ______misunderstand you.  A. could weB. shall we  C. we shallD. we can  2. Tom _____ with him at that time, for I was having dinner with him in my home.  A. can't have beenB. must have
高考中常遇到的“替代”通常有以下三种  一、 名词性替代  即替代前面的名词词组或它的中心词。替代名词的常用词有不定代词one, ones, it, that, those  1. one替代前面出现过的可数名词,以免重复,相当于“a/an + 名词”,其复数形式为ones, 其前可加the, this, these等表示特指。  例But the finger I put into my mou
“情态动词+have done”结构是高考重要考点,也是较难掌握的语法项目之一,下面结合近年高考试题谈谈其主要用法。     一、在虚拟条件句中,如果表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句用过去完成时,而主句中则用“情态动词+现在完成时”,即would/ could/ should/ might have done   例If he had worked hard, he would have passe
“元芳,你怎么看?”此句话近日在微博上盛行,表现为前面叙述一件事,后面必定加上一句“元芳,你怎么看”,一句“元芳,你怎么看?”正风行于网。而唐朝宰相狄仁杰也随之成为继杜甫、包拯之后,又一位遭网友“热情”调侃的历史名人。  元芳原名李元芳,是电视剧《神探狄仁杰》中狄仁杰的副手,因思维缜密、善于推理而备受器重。“较真”的网友截图总结出四部《神探狄仁杰》一脉相承的亮点:办案时,狄仁杰常以“元芳,你怎么看
【文题展示】  阅读下面文字,按要求作文。  美国心理学家詹姆士说过:“人类本质中最殷切的需求是渴望被肯定。”现实生活中,并不是缺少价值,而是缺少肯定。许多时候我们不是不能肯定,而是不愿肯定,或者说不会肯定。学会肯定,不仅体现出一种力量、一种卓识,更能凸显一种睿智、一种品质。每一个人都有期待肯定的心理,当这种需要得到满足的时候,人们就会欢欣鼓舞,动力不竭。  请以“肯定”为题写一篇不少于800字的
20世纪30年代,在德国法兰克福以南有个叫弗洛海姆的小镇。这里除了上天赐予的雨水外,再也没有其他的水源。因此,一遇上旱季,吃水便成了全镇居民最大的难题。  1936年,哈德·霍恩老人成为弗洛海姆的第二任民选镇长。一上任,他就决定首先解决居民的吃水问题。他贴出告示,希望有人能按时给镇上送水,当然,报酬是少不了的。  第二天,就有两个年轻人同时找上门来,表示愿意接受这份工作。这两个年轻人一个叫卡尔,另
【文题设计】  大海放下了心胸的狭隘,于是拥有了波澜壮阔;星空放下了对白昼的追寻,于是绽放了灿烂;陶渊明放下了官场的诱惑,于是获得了“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适;李太白放下了“五花马,千金裘”,于是神州大地多了一份秀气;居里夫人放下了名利的包袱,于是在科学的世界里尽情地徜徉;梭罗放下了城市的喧嚣,于是获得了一汪瓦尔登湖。  请以“勇于放下”为题,写篇800字的文章。要求:①角度自选;②立意自定