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“倡导全民阅读”首次被写入2014年《政府工作报告》。光明日报记者近期从国家新闻出版广电总局了解到,总局今年将通过多种形式,在全国范围继续深入开展全民阅读活动。自2006年活动开展以来,全民阅读在全国各地蓬勃发展,内容不断充实,方式不断创新,影响日益扩大。不过,如果与全球的读书热相比,我们的全民阅读,还是存在着不小的差距。两年前,一名印度工程师所写的《中国人,你为什么不读书》红遍网络,直指国人不爱阅读的现状。阅读的重要性,无须多言;曾几何时,我们也一直以“诗书传家”为荣,发展到今天,我们 “Advocacy of all people reading ” was first written into the 2014 “government work report.” Guangming Daily recently learned from the State Administration of Press and Publication Administration of Radio and Television that the State Administration will continue to conduct nationwide reading activities in various forms this year throughout the country. Since the launch of the activities in 2006, reading by all people has flourished throughout the country, the content has been continuously enriched, the methods have been constantly innovated, and the influence has been expanding day by day. However, there is still a long way to go if all of our people read it compared to the global reading boom. Two years ago, an Indian engineer wrote that “Chinese, why do not you study?” Became popular in the internet and directed at the current situation where people do not like reading. The importance of reading, needless to say; Once upon a time, we have also been proud of “Poetry and his Holiness ” to develop today, we
AIM: To evaluate in bile duct ligated rats whether there were progressive alterations of renal function without changes in histopathology. METHODS: Male Wistar
为提高浆状炸药产量,改夹套式换热器为蛇形管式换热器。本文叙述了新换热器的设计过程和使用情况。 In order to improve the production of slurry explosives, change the
鸟巢是鸟儿们遮风挡雨的家园,也是产蛋育雏的地方,它们的形状各异,材料不同,有的简陋,像懒汉随手用几根树枝搭建而成,有的精致,像是姑娘的刺绣作品那样用心精细。以下介绍几种奇趣的鸟巢。  最小的鸟巢  世界上最小的鸟是生活在美洲地区的蜂鸟,最小的蜂鸟体重不足2克,当然它们的鸟巢也是最小的,比一个一元硬币大不了多少,隐藏在树丛间就像是一颗山核桃,在野外很难被发现。大部分蜂鸟喜欢把巢筑在距离地面1.5米或
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