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  1. —Ben and Sue arent home, are they?
  —No. They ________ to London on business.
   A. have gone         B. go                   C. have been              D. will go
  2. Tony is very nice. He is the most enjoyable person I ________.
   A. meet ever               B. have ever met    C. had ever met      D. meet
  3. —Hobo and Eddie ________ the cinema to watch the film Zootopia.
  —Oh, thats why I cant find them now.
   A. have gone to            B. have been to     C. has gone to             D. has been to
  4. Our math teacher ________ in our school for 20 years and he ________ here when he was 23 years old.
   A. has taught; has come                       B. taught; comes
   C. taught; came                                  D. has taught; came
  5. In the past two years, Shaoyang ________ a lot.
   A. changes                 B. changed     C. has changed            D. changing
  1. I have already ________ lunch. I ________ it at 11:30. (have)
  2. —Have you ________ to your parents yet?
  —Yes, I ________ to them last night. (write)
  3. —How clean the classroom is!
  —Yes, Im sure that someone has ________ (clean) it.
  4. Jerry ________ (start) to write the letter yesterday, but he ________ (not finish) it yet.
  5. Mr. Brown ________ (teach) Amy French for a month, but she still cant speak French well.
  already, yet, since, for, never, ever
  1. I have ________ finished my homework.
  2. Ann has worked here ________ two years ago.
  3. Tom has been in Shanghai ________ two days.   4. Have they found the lost child ________?
  5. John has ________ finished the report about the ways of learning English.
  6. The guests have not arrived ________.
  7. I have ________ been to Italy. I know nothing about there.
  8. This is the first time Ive ________ been to England.
  9. Nobody has ________ said that to me before.
  10. Paul has learned three thousand words ________ he came to China.
  四、用have / has been to或have / has gone to填空。
  1. Andy, with his parents, ________ Hong Kong, and they will stay there for a week.
  2. —Frank, where is your father?
  —He isnt at home now. He ________ New York.
  3. Neither Jim nor Tom ________ Australia before, but they know the country very well.
  4. Linda isnt at home. She ________ the park.
  5. I ________ the Great Wall. I took many photos there.
  五、选用never, ever, already, yet填空。
  1. I have ________ seen him before, so I have no idea about him.
  2. Jack has ________ finished his homework.
  3. —Have you ________ seen this film?
  —No, I have ________ seen it.
  4. —Has the bus left ________?
  —Yes, it has ________ left.
  5. Sally hasnt finished reading her new book ________.
  1. My parents have been to the Great Wall. (对划线部分提问)
  ________ ________ your parents ________?
  2. She has ever been to the Palace Museum. (改为否定句)
  She ________ ________ ________ to the Palace Museum.
  3. Miss Gao left an hour ago. (同义句转换)
  Miss Gao ________ ________ ________ ________ an hour.
  4. I have been there three times. (对划线部分提问)
  ________ ________ ________ ________ you ________ there?
  5. We went to the science museum last week. (对划线部分提问)
  ________ ________ you ________ to the science museum?
  1. 你去过老年人之家吗?
  ________ you ________ ________ to home for old people?
  2. 我从没去过北京香山。
  I ________ ________ ________ ________ Mount Xiang in Beijing.
  3. 最近你用过这台电脑吗?
  ________ you ________ this computer recently?
  4. 你去过泰山吗?
  ________ you ever ________ ________ Mount Tai?
  5. 比尔去过那儿多少次了?
  How many times ________ Bill ________ ________?
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I. 根据句意及汉语提示填入恰当的单词。  1. As soon as I saw Alan, I ran ________ (向) him to ask for help.  2. Finally, the policeman shot at the criminal with his ________ (枪).  3. That song is very ________ (受欢迎的) wit