Age dating of lacustrine sediments in Lake Tianshuihai of the Tibetan Plateau by using U-series isoc

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hayyangxiong
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The age of the clastic-clay sediments with varied content of carbonate in core TS95 taken from the Lake Tianshuihai in the northwest of the Tibetan Plateau was determined successfully by using the total sample dissolution U-series isochron method for the first time. With this method, the serial absolute timescale (isotope time scale) covered the last 240 ka in the main body of the Tibetan Plateau with a sea level up to 4000 m is also established for the first time, thereby laying the foundation for the research on the paleo-climate and palaeoenvironment in the Lake Tianshuihai region as well as the relationship between evolution of the Tibetan Plateau and global changes. In addition to a brief introduction of the basic principles, the procedures of experiments, and the results, this note also presents the adaptability and superiority of this method as well as its possible problems. The age of the clastic-clay sediments with varied content of carbonate in core TS95 taken from the Lake Tianshuihai in the northwest of the Tibetan Plateau was determined successfully by using the total sample dissolution U-series isochron method for the first time. With this method , the serial absolute timescale (isotope time scale) covered the last 240 ka in the main body of the Tibetan Plateau with a sea level up to 4000 m is also established for the first time, thus laying the foundation for the research on the paleo- In addition to a brief introduction of the basic principles, the procedures of experiments, and the results, this note also presents the adaptability and superiority of this method as well as its possible problems.
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我院自1996年1月~1999年1月采用大剂量免疫球蛋白输注治疗小儿喘憋性肺炎56例,取得了满意疗效,现将结果报道如下。1 临床资料1.1 对象:56例均为住院患儿,男32例,女24例。年龄3个月~2岁。病程1~7天。全部病例均
Siegfried Lenz gehrt jener Generation an,die den zweiten Weltkrieg miterlebt hat,dessen Erfolg vor allem in der Gegenwartsbe-zogenheit seiner Werke begründet
成骨不全是以结缔组织成分发育障碍为主要缺陷的疾病,发病率较低。我院于1993年~1999年8月诊断该病5例,报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料:男2例,女3例,年龄2月~12岁,其中2
1 资料与方法 符合周围性面神经麻痹诊断标准的患儿 30例,其中男 19例,女 11例;年龄 11月~ 13岁;接受治疗时间分别于病情 2~ 60 d开始;左侧 14例,右侧 16例。病情:重型 9例,患侧完全不