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丹麦Herlev等5家医院采用随机方法观察生长抑素治疗急性胰腺炎的效果。患者均系第一次发病,其血清淀粉值>450U/L,入院后24小时内分组,一组给予生长抑素250μg/小时静脉滴注,共3天;另一组给不含生长抑素的输液,作为对照。两者的病因相似,有可比性。试验在双盲法控制下进行。入院时当天以及以后4天内作各项生化和血气分析测定,并进行胸片和腹部B超检查3次。全组63例,男41例,女22例,其年龄中位值分别为43岁和59例。33例使用生长抑素,30例作为对照。2例死亡,分别因胰腺坏死脓毒症和心肌梗塞。两组的并发症率、所需止痛剂量、肠功能恢复以及住院时间均无明显差别,试验组仅见淀粉酶值下降稍快些(P<0.02)。如作进一步分析,入院当天和入院后第4天的淀粉酶值两组的 Five hospitals in Denmark, Herlev, adopted a randomized method to observe the effect of somatostatin on acute pancreatitis. Patients were the first incidence of the disease, the serum starch value> 450U / L, admission within 24 hours after the group, a group given somatostatin 250μg / hour intravenous infusion, a total of 3 days; the other group without somatostatin Infusion, as a control. Etiology of both similar, comparable. The test was performed under double-blind control. On the day of admission and within 4 days after the biochemical and blood gas analysis for determination, and chest X-ray and abdominal examination 3 times. The whole group of 63 patients, 41 males and 22 females, the median age were 43 years and 59 cases. 33 cases of somatostatin, 30 cases as a control. Two patients died of sepsis and myocardial infarction due to pancreatic necrosis. Complications rates, required analgesic doses, recovery of bowel function, and duration of hospital stay were not significantly different between the two groups. Only a slight decrease in amylase was seen in the experimental group (P <0.02). As for further analysis, the amylase values ​​on the day of admission and on the 4th day after admission were in both groups
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