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10月10日,中山区委举行理论学习中心组(扩大)“学习讲话,对标上海,解放思想,真抓实干”大学习大讨论活动专题辅导报告会。会议要求,切实抓好大学习大讨论活动的各项要求。要强化组织领导,全面统筹大学习大讨论活动事宜,区级班子要带头开展学习讨论,发挥示范作用;全区各级党组织要形成一级带着一级学、一级抓着一级干、一级跟着一级讨论的浓厚氛围;全区各部门各单位各街道要与“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度有机结合起来,通过学习提高创新和推动工作的能力。要强化调研对标,把此次学习讨论活动与科学谋划本街道本部门本单位发展目标和当前重点工作任务相结合,真正做到学习讨论和工作两头抓、两不误、双促进,确保品质立市先行区建设持续推进。 On October 10, the Zhongshan District CPC Committee held a series of seminars on theoretical study of large learning activities held by the Theory Learning Center Group (Expanding), “Learning to Speak, Elaborating Shanghai, Emancipating the Mind, Working Hard.” Meeting requirements, earnestly grasp the requirements of the large study activities. To strengthen the leadership of the organization and comprehensively coordinate the activities of the large-scale study and study in universities, district-level work groups should take the lead in conducting study and discussion and giving play to their exemplary role. Party organizations at all levels in the entire district should form a first- , Followed by a thick atmosphere of a discussion; the various departments and units in various districts of the streets should be “two learning one to do ” learning and education system of normalization organically combine to enhance innovation and promote work through learning ability. To strengthen the benchmarking research, the study and discussion activities and the planning of the streets of this unit development goals of the unit and the current key tasks combined with the real learning to discuss and work at both ends, correct, double promotion, to ensure quality Lixian Pioneer District construction continued to promote.
一、前言 世界上一个国家或地区随着经济的发展,产业结构将会不断地改善,生产的技术水平亦会不断地提高,也就是说,产业将会不断地升级。因此,产业升级可说贯串于经济发展的
水泥混凝土桥面铺装层裂缝是施工中常见的一种质量通病,本文通过桥面铺装施工过程中裂缝产生原因的分析,提出了针对性的防治措施。 Cracks in cement concrete deck pavemen