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本文主要对我国图书馆管理的现状进行了分析,对改善图书馆管理的原则与要求、图书馆管理应着力改善的几个方面进行了论述,文章最后强调图书馆管理改善的关键是图书馆主管部门和馆长。 This article mainly analyzes the status quo of library management in our country, discusses the principles and requirements of improving library management, and several aspects that should be improved in library management. Finally, the article emphasizes that the key of library management improvement is the director of library Department and curator.
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当前图书馆信息检索服务存在着覆盖面不宽,利用率低,不能满足用户的深层需求,需要深化图书馆改革,加强馆际互借建设等改进与完善图书馆信息检索服务的措施。 At present, th
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