《医药导报》创刊15年来,已编辑出版15卷88期(含增刊4期),累计刊登文章3 636篇,660余万字。辟有专家论药、药物讲座、药物研究、药物与临床、用药指南、老药新用、药物介绍、药物不良反应、医药咨询、药政管理、经营管理、市场动态、GMP、GSP 专栏、简讯、作者·编者·读者等栏目,并定期编辑出版药物专集。所有这些栏目,都是围绕药品的产、销、用作文章,力求让医务人员了解药,让生产单位了解市场,向医药商业部门提供信息,从而得到了国内外广
Since its publication in the first 15 years, Medical Herald has edited and published 15 volumes and 88 volumes (including 4 supplementary issues), and has published 3 636 articles and 660 words in total. GMP, GSP, GSP, GSP, GSP, GSP, GSP, GSP, GSP, GSP, Pharmacology, Clinical Medicine, , Author, editor, reader and other columns, and regularly edit and publish drug collections. All of these sections focus on the production and sales of pharmaceutical products and serve as an article that seeks to enable medical personnel to understand medicine, let production units know the market, and provide information to the pharmaceutical and commercial authorities,