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《荆棘鸟》是澳大利亚出生的女作家麦卡洛于1977车在美国发表的长篇小说,是七十年代轰动美国的十大畅销书之一。后被拍成长达十几小时的多集电视连续剧,又成为各家电视台晚上黄金时间抢播的热门节目。《荆棘鸟》是一部传奇式的家世小说。小说描写了主人公麦琪(Maggie)坎坷的一生。从纯情朴实的少女到鬓发斑白的老妇,在半个多世纪里麦琪经历了家庭和个人所遭遇的各种苦难与不幸。但是她从不屈服。她的一生是不屈不挠地与命运之神顽强拼搏的一生。贯穿全书的线索是麦琪与拉尔夫神父(Ralph)之间的爱情纠葛。拉尔夫比麦琪年长十几岁,又是严守教规的神父。而麦琪却偏偏执著地爱着他,力图以自己的感情力量将拉尔夫从圣坛拉到自己的身边。拉尔夫是麦琪一家的世交,他对麦琪有着无限的恋情,但又无法摆脱强加在身上的禁欲主义的教规。小说正是围绕着他们之间的这种爱情纠葛,能们面临的现实与内心的矛盾和斗争所展开的。故事情节描写细腻,动人心弦。这里刊登的是拉尔夫在赴意大利罗马升任红衣大主教之前,到孤岛上与养病的麦琪相会的一段。在这与外界隔绝的小岛上,拉尔夫没有暴露身分的恐惧,也无法抵挡凡人尘世的感情诱惑,终于将麦琪搂入自己的怀抱,与麦琪在海边的别墅共享了几日的良辰美景。这次短短的会面虽然没有改变故事的最终结局,但对于麦琪米说却是一次胜利,一次小小的胜利。她必竟战胜了上帝,使拉尔夫摆脱了教规的束缚,接收了自己的爱,虽然只有短短的几天。 The Thorn Birds, a novel written by Australian-born woman writer McCullough at the 1977 Car in the United States, was one of the top 10 bestsellers in the United States in the 1970s. After being filmed for more than a dozen hours of TV drama series, has become the prime time for every television station grab the prime time popular programs. The Thorn Birds is a legendary family portrait. The novel describes the bumpy life of Maggie. From innocent girls to vaguely aged women, Maggie has experienced all kinds of misery and misfortune experienced by families and individuals for more than half a century. But she never gave in. Her life is indomitable life with the tenacious god of destiny. Clues throughout the book are the love affair between Maggie and Ralph. Ralph Maggie older teens, but also adhere to the canon of priests. Maggie, however, had chosen to love him stubbornly and tried to pull Ralph out of the altar by his own emotional strength. Ralph was the son of Maggie’s family and had an infinite love affair with Maggie but was unable to escape the imposition of ascetic doctrine. Fiction is about this entanglement of love between them, can face the reality and inner contradictions and struggles launched. Description of the plot delicate, moving heart. Here is a section of Ralph’s relationship with Maggie, a rehabilitator, on an island before he went to Rome in Italy. In this island isolated from the outside world, Ralph did not reveal the identity of the fear, can not resist the temptation of mortal earthly feelings, and finally Maggie hugged in his arms, and Maggie in the beach villa shared a few days Good night beauty. Although this short meeting did not change the final outcome of the story, it was a victory and a triumph for Magi Mai. She would have overcome God, to make Ralph out of the shackles of canon, to accept his love, though only a few days.
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摘要 《都柏林人》是詹姆斯·乔伊斯久负盛名的短篇小说集,作者用现实主义和象征主义相结合的手法,成功再现了19世纪末20世纪初爱尔兰的殖民地处境。其中,“灯”在小说《都柏林人》中代表了诸多意向,既是都柏林人虚假希望的象征,也揭示着柏林人受殖民者和教会双重压迫的悲惨现实。  关键词:《都柏林人》 希望 绝望 詹姆斯·乔伊斯  《都柏林人》是以詹姆斯·乔伊斯的故乡都柏林为背景展开的,乔伊斯曾说过他的创作
本文综述了最近发现的关于正常体细胞LOH的频率、性质和效应,给LOH一个较为明确的解释,并阐述LOH与体细胞突变的关系,探讨它在肿瘤发生中的作用。 This article reviews the re