名校整合 铸造辉煌

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2001年9月,在武昌区人民政府和武昌区教育局的领导下,三所百年老校——武汉市15中、25中、33中的高中进行了人、财、物等要素的优化组合,调整成一所规模较大的高中。目前学校有教职员工272人,在校学生3491人,教学班68个。其中有武昌区名校长1人、名师2人、市管专家1人、市政府专项津贴4人,特级教师4人,市区各级学科带头人和优秀青年教师31人、高级教师104人。经网上查询为全国最大的单设高中,武汉媒体誉为“航母”学校。 In September 2001, under the leadership of the People’s Government of Wuchang District and the Education Bureau of Wuchang District, three hundred-year-old high schools in Wuhan at 15th, 25th and 33rd of Wuhan carried out the optimal combination of elements of human, financial and material resources , Adjusted to a larger high school. At present the school has 272 faculty members, 3491 students, 68 classes. Among them, there are 1 president of Wuchang District, 2 masters, 1 city management expert, 4 municipal special allowances, 4 super specialists, 31 city leaders and outstanding young teachers, and 104 senior teachers. The Internet search for the country’s largest single high school, Wuhan media as “aircraft carrier” school.
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