Better Livelihood: 70 Years of Development in China

来源 :中印对话 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honeypan
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  Across the 70 years since the foundingof the People's Republic of China in1949, especially since the beginningof the country's reform and open-ing up in the late l970s, the income of urbanand rural residents has increased significantly,their consumption level has grown dramat-ically, and their quality of life has improvedenormously. From living without adequatefood and clothing to building a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects, people's liveshave changed greatly. Since the l8th NationalCongress of the Comnlunist Party of China(CPC), China has issued and implemented aseries of policies and measures for the benefitof the people, especially the targeted povertyalleviation strategy, which has driven contin-uous and rapid growth of residents' incomes,further enhanced their consumption level andquality of life, and laid a solid foundation forcompleting the building of a moderately pros-perous society in all respects.
Pilot free trade zones have become major experimental fields for China's further reform and opening up.
中国加入世界贸易组织历经十五年谈判,“入世”给中国和世界带来了沧桑巨变。  1986年7月10日,中国驻日内瓦代表团大使钱嘉东代表中国政府正式提出申请,恢复中国在关贸总协定中的缔约方地位。2001年11月10日,世界贸易组织部长级会议审议通过了中国加入世界贸易组织的申请。至此,中国“入世”走完了15年的漫长谈判。  1999年3月15日,国务院总理朱镕基在中外记者招待会上说:“中国进行复关和入世谈
策划执行/《中印对话》编辑部  语言也是爱的一种  姓名:Tanvi Dutta Gupta  年龄:18岁  身份:斯坦福大学2023级准新生  出生地:新加坡  现居地:新加坡  无论过去和现在,印度还是中国均以博大深邃的的文化而自傲,重要的是在两者之间建立起一种纽带。  我在生活中经常混用汉语普通话和印地语。可有时候自己还意识不到这一点,直到我奶奶或老师把脸一沉,我才意识到这句话可能说的不对
通过文化交流所建立的中印关系,势必会对两国乃至整个国际社会发展产生重要的推动作用。  当代国际关系和国家间互动主要围绕地缘政治展开。地缘政治最早起源于欧洲,由于出现了以固定边界为特征的国家,人类从此产生了国别划分。国家在非西方世界的出现和建立,是对文化乃至文明的一种公然冒犯,而殖民主义使其变得更糟。随着国家体系不断发展而产生的不同价值理念,对世界发展产生的影响弊大于利。作为当今亚洲的两个超级大国,
As China's consumption economy continues to rise, this will create opportunities for global companies to enter the Chinese market.
The CIIE, which includes business exhibitions, country exhibitions, international economic forums and supporting activities, is a major initiative of China to open its market to the world.
The import expo is helping foreign enterprises explore the Chinese marketwhile giving Chinese consumers greater access to quality global products.
Deepening the BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution will serve as the key to launch the second "golden decade" of the BRICS mechanism and enrich BRICS cooperation.
Though India and China face both convergences and divergences, a peaceful relationship serves the fundamental interests of both countries.