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加强民主党派后备干部队伍的建设,关键在于提高中青年民主党派成员的政治素质和理论水平,在实践中增长才干。一、民主党派一定要讲政治,要用理论武装头脑讲政治是江泽民同志对共产党的干部的要求。民主党作为参政党,也必须讲政治。民主党派讲政治的核心在于坚持中国共产党的领导,明确民主党派的性质、地位及其与中国共产党的历史渊源和深厚情谊的友党关系。民主党派成员特别是中青年骨干要自觉学习民主党派的历史、《章程》,继承和发展优良传统,与中国共产党同心同德,学习中国现代史,深刻理解只有中国共产党领导的社会主义才能 The key to strengthening the building of contingent of cadres in the democratic parties lies in raising the political quality and theoretical level of the members of middle-aged and young democratic parties and enhancing their ability in practice. First, the democratic parties must talk about politics. Arming their own minds with politics should be Jiang Zemin’s demand for the cadres of the Communist Party. As a political party, the Democratic Party must also talk about politics. The core of a democratic party’s politics lies in upholding the leadership of the CPC and clarifying the nature and status of the democratic parties and their relations with the CPC with its historical roots and deep friendship. The members of the democratic parties, especially the middle-aged and young cadres, should conscientiously study the history of the democratic parties. The Bylaws, inherit and develop their fine traditions, work in unison with the Chinese Communist Party, study the modern history of China, and profoundly understand the socialist talent that can be led only by the Chinese Communist Party
近来研究发现,经典黑质损伤帕金森氏病(Parkinson’sdisease,PD)大鼠模型有以下不足:①毁损为急性(24h内)过程,不符合人类PD进行性变性特征;②对黑质损伤较完全彻底,即建立的仅是晚期PD动物模型;③黑质致密部(substantia... R
对即将制订为IEEE802.12标准的高速局域网─—100Base-VG的技术和性能进行了综述和评价。 The technology and performance of high-speed LAN-100Base-VG, which will be for
我们1982~1987年用液氧冷冻治疗40多种皮肤病,现从其中选择疗效较好的12种疾病共1837例,分析报告如下: 临床资料 We from 1982 to 1987 with liquid oxygen cryogenic treat