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一车站通过能力和改编能力,是在采用合理的技术作业过程,有效地利用现有技术设备,充分发挥人的主观能动性的前提下,一昼夜内所能接发和改编的列车数或车辆数。车站能力计算基本上有两种方法:一是直接计算法,一是利用率法。我国和苏联根据计算条件,两种方法都采用,而日本和西德等国均采用直接计算法。日本铁路车站能力分别计算分类线容车量、到发线接发车能力、牵出线改编能力及驼峰解体能力。在一般情况下,到发线接、发车能力:出发线为10列;到达线为15列;到发线为10列。牵出线改编能力:一条牵出线一日解体并编组600辆;编组或解体1,000—1,200辆。驼峰解体能力;一条推送线日解3,000—3,500辆;两条推送线日解4,000—4,500辆,有时驼峰解体能力亦按小时进行计算。 The ability and adaptability of a station means the number of trains or vehicles that can be received and adapted within a day and night under the premise of using reasonable technical operation processes, making effective use of the existing technology and equipment, and giving full play to people’s subjective initiative. There are basically two methods for calculating station capacity: one is direct calculation, and the other is utilization. Both China and the Soviet Union adopted the two methods according to the calculation conditions, whereas Japan and West Germany adopted the direct method of calculation. Capacity of Japan’s railway stations were calculated capacity classification lines capacity, to send line start ability, take-off line adaptation ability and hump disintegration ability. In general, to the line connection, starting capacity: the departure line is 10; arrival line is 15; arrival line is 10. Take-out line adaptation capability: One take-out line disintegrates on the 1st and organizes 600 units; organizes or dismantles 1,000-1,200 units. Hump ​​disintegration capacity; a push line daily solution 3,000-3,500; two push line daily solution 4,000-4,500, sometimes the ability to break down the hump is also calculated by the hour.
2015年12月21日,中央经济工作会议在北京闭幕,在这一具有2016年中国宏观经济政策风向标意义的会议上,供给侧结构性改革成为关键词,标志着中国的供给侧结构性改革大幕正式开启。  这一热词很快便成为了地方政府工作报告的“标配”。在2016年山东省政府工作报告中,“加强供给侧结构性改革。用改革的办法推进结构调整,减少无效和低端供给,扩大有效和中高端供给,增强供给结构对需求变化的适应性和灵活性,提高
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前言近20年来国外铁路的特点,是向高速度、重载、大密度发展。一些国家的客运速度,由时速160公里提高到200~250公里,西德计划在1985年建成时速300公里的线路。 Foreword The