The Calibration of High-Speed Camera Imaging System for ELMs Observation on EAST Tokamak

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suxiaohua
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A tangential fast visible camera has been set up in EAST tokamak for the study of edge MHD instabilities such as ELM.To determine the 3-D information from CCD images,Tsai’s two-stage technique was utilized to calibrate the high-speed camera imaging system for ELM study.By applying tiles of the passive stabilizers in the tokamak device as the calibration pattern,transformation parameters for transforming from a 3-D world coordinate system to a 2-D image coordinate system were obtained,including the rotation matrix,the translation vector,the focal length and the lens distortion.The calibration errors were estimated and the results indicate the reliability of the method used for the camera imaging system.Through the calibration,some information about ELM filaments,such as positions and velocities were obtained from images of H-mode CCD videos. A tangential fast visible camera has been set up in EAST tokamak for the study of edge MHD instabilities such as ELM. To determine the 3-D information from CCD images, Tsai’s two-stage technique was utilized to calibrate the high-speed camera imaging system for ELM study.By applying tiles of the passive stabilizers in the tokamak device as the calibration pattern, transformation parameters for transforming from a 3-D world coordinate system to a 2-D image coordinate system were obtained, including the rotation matrix, the translation vector, the focal length and the lens distortion. calibration of the method used for the camera imaging system. Through the calibration, some information about ELM filaments, such as positions and velocities were obtained from images of H-mode CCD videos.
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