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抗战前的民国时期 ,灾民逃荒现象极为普遍。灾发地政府因无力赈济自己的民众 ,或者出于推卸责任 ,放任其灾民四处流离 ,移境就食。流入地政府救济自己辖区灾民尚且不暇 ,自然不愿再为别区承担救济重任。再者 ,行政区划与经费的分配也限制了这种救抚他省灾民的欲望。因此 ,流入地对来境灾民无不驱逐出境或资遣回籍 ,而灾民在自己家乡确实又无以为生 ,迫不得已时只好重又外出。总起来看 ,整个灾发期间 ,灾民便是在灾发地与流入地的推来搡去之中艰难苟活。这一问题不是一地一隅所能解决 ,也远非一年一月所能一蹴而就 ,它需要各级政府的大力合作 ,需要对产生灾民的各种原因予以根治。然而 ,受时代条件所限 ,灾民的移境就食问题不能得到较好的解决 ,灾民的流离悲苦也就只能依然如故 Before the Anti-Japanese War, the victims fleeing the famine were extremely common. Because of the inability of the disaster-stricken government to relieve its own people, or to shirk its responsibility, let the disaster victims wander around and relocate to eat. Inflow into the government to relieve the flood victims in their own jurisdiction, naturally do not want to undertake other relief tasks. Moreover, the distribution of administrative divisions and funds also limits the desire to save and care for the victims in other provinces in the province. Therefore, influx of all the victims of the outbound or deportation without exception, while the victims in their own hometown really did not have a living, had no alternative but to go out again. Taken together, during the entire disaster-stricken area, the victims have struggled to survive the disaster and inflow. This problem can not be solved in a corner of the world or in a long way from January to January. It requires the vigorous cooperation of all levels of government and the need to cure the various causes of disaster victims. However, subject to the conditions of the times, the disaster victims can not get a better solution to the food problem, and the tragedies of the victims can only remain the same
<正> 最近,一种源自意大利的尖头高跟鞋迅速成为年轻女性的新宠。但有专家警告说,长期穿着尖头鞋可能会导致长出&#39;鸡眼&#39;.甚至足部畸形!专家认为.尖头鞋的鞋头又窄又扁
<正> 党参治疗用量为每日10~30克,养生保健用量为每日5~1O克。介绍几种服用方法: 1.中老年气虚证,有脾胃虚弱,食欲不佳,体倦乏力,大便溏泄等症状者,每日服用党参10克,有益气健
<正> 以下资料多为当前联合国卫生组织认可的全球共识,大多经过反复的调查研究和科学实验论证。