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3月28日,云南省代表团飞抵缅甸首都内比都。中国驻缅大使管木接受采访时说:云南历来是中国与东盟国家“走出去”与“请进来”的桥梁。云南此次派出阵容强大、涉及到各个主要领域的代表团访缅,在服务中央的大外交战略上做了有利于全局发展的工作,他代表使馆感谢云南的同志。云南省政府此次在缅开展的大型经贸活动,高效务实,影响大,把云南的优势化为全国的优势,是一项十分有益的事。缅甸上下对云南代表团的出访十分重视,给予了高规格的接待。这是一次将对推进中缅长期友好合作产生重大影响的活动。云南要利用区位优势,进一步推动中缅友好与合作,相信云南一定能在内内外外各方的大力支持下,干成几件有影响的大事、好事。云南做了许多对促进中缅友谊与合作很有帮助的工作,祝云南省代表团访缅取得成功。 March 28, the delegation of Yunnan Province arrived in Myanmar’s capital Naypyidaw. Ambassador Guan Mu of China in Myanmar said in an interview: Yunnan has always been the bridge between China and the ASEAN countries “going out” and “coming in”. Yunnan sent a powerful line-up that involved delegations from all major fields to visit Myanmar and did a great job of promoting global development in serving the grand diplomatic strategy of the CPC Central Committee. He thanked Yunnan’s comrades for representing the embassy. The large-scale economic and trade activities conducted by the Yunnan provincial government in Myanmar are highly effective, practical and influential. It has been very helpful to transform the advantages of Yunnan into a national advantage. Myanmar attaches great importance to the delegation’s visit to Yunnan and gave it a high standard of reception. This is an event that will have a significant impact on promoting the long-term friendly cooperation between China and Myanmar. Yunnan will take advantage of its geographical location to further promote the friendly and cooperative relations between China and Myanmar. It is believed that Yunnan will certainly be able to make a few influential events and goodies with the full support of all parties both inside and outside China. Yunnan has done a great deal of work to promote the friendship and cooperation between China and Myanmar. I wish the Yunnan delegation a success in visiting Myanmar.
Rain,rain,rain,it’s a rainy day.A snake meets two snails on the way*.“Hello,Snake.Let’s play a game!”The snails say.“No,Imust go home and make a cake.”The