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《南风窗》自1985年4月创刊,到本期为止,已走过了整整13个年头。在这13年里,热情的讴歌改革开放的新趋势新潮流,向社会传播带有前瞻性的优良观念,一直是它最重要的使命。 大连市长薄熙来对前去访问的一个广州代表团的成员谈到《南风窗》时曾说:“《南风窗》的观点不一定都是对的,但都是新的。” 太阳每天都是新的。 重要的往往不是发言的内容,而是发言的勇气,以及当内容出现偏颇、错误时纠正的勇气。 每一份杂志背后都有一个“价值判断”。我们的“价值判断”是:好的观念能促进社会的进步和个人的成长,也只有能促进社会进步和个人成长的观念才是好的观念。我们专注于对这种观念的探求,而且认为这种探求就是我们的价值所在。 法国启蒙思想家伏尔泰称赞牛顿的伟大时曾说,“他以真理统领我们的心志”,那也许是千万人终其一生都无法企及的目标,但却时时令我们魂牵梦绕。 《南风窗》在发展过程中受到了多种文化资源的营养,有“古文化”、“洋文化”、但最重要的当属中国走向市场经济过程中、从这块沉睡千年的土地上长出来的市场经济新文化。这种新文化来自于千百万人解放自己奔向未来的物质实践,又反过来指导和影响着现实的进程。 我们认为:市场经济乃是当今中国最大的文化,最有活力、生机、朝向未来的文化。 基于这样的认识,几个月来,我们采访、搜集、整理了一大批有关当代中国企业文化(或称公司文化)的例子,经过反复筛选研究,评出了我们心目中“中国最具文化魅力的六家企业”,我们仅此向它们表示敬意。 我们也以这组报道作为《南风窗》创刊13周年的“主题报道”,奉献给所有关怀我们成长的读者朋友。 The “South Window” was established in April 1985 and it has been a full 13 years since this issue. In these 13 years, the passionate Acura’s new trend of reform and opening up has spread its forward-looking concept to the society. It has always been its most important mission. When Bo Xilai, the mayor of Dalian, visited the South Window, a member of the Guangzhou delegation he visited said, “The views of the South Window are not always correct, but they are all new.” The sun is new every day. The important thing is often not the content of speeches, but the courage of speech and the courage to correct when content is biased or mistaken. Behind each magazine is a “value judgment.” Our “value judgment” is: Good ideas can promote social progress and personal growth, and only the concepts that promote social progress and personal growth are good ideas. We focus on the search for this idea, and we believe that this search is our value. The French Enlightenment thinker Voltaire praised Newton’s greatness when he said, “He leads our hearts with the truth.” That may be the goal that tens of thousands of people could never reach in their lifetime, but it is always ours. The “South Window” has been supported by various cultural resources in the development process. There are “ancient culture” and “foreign culture”. But the most important one is when China moves into a market economy and from this land that slept for thousands of years. A new culture of market economy emerged. This new culture comes from the fact that millions of people liberate themselves from the material reality of the future and in turn guide and influence the progress of reality. We believe that the market economy is the largest culture in China today and the most dynamic, dynamic, and future-oriented culture. Based on this understanding, over the past few months, we have interviewed, collected, and organized a large number of examples of contemporary Chinese corporate culture (or company culture). After repeated screening studies, we have identified “China’s most cultural charm” in our minds. “The six companies”, we only pay tribute to them. We have also used this group of reports as the “thematic report” of the 13th anniversary of the publication of “Nan Feng Hua” and dedicated it to all reader friends who care about our growth.
司法核心价值观,是人类高尚的价值追求,也是所有法律人的精神的支撑和理想的寄托。可以说,司法核心价值观在一定程度上已经成为人类共同的法治文明成果 The core values ​
摘 要 《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》修订案已于2012年3月14日经第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议通过,并于明年1月1日施行。这是刑事诉讼法继1996年修订后的又一次重大的修订,以国家立法的形式体现了近十几年来的司法改革的成果,在更高层次和水平上实现了控制犯罪与保障人权的平衡、司法公正与司法效率的统一,在前所未有的深度和广度上完善和创新了我国刑事诉讼制度,对于建立公正高效权威的刑事司法制度具有
中国的电力工业始于1882 年, 至1999 年已有117 年的历史。在此百余年中, 中国电业之发展无不与当时的历史背景和时代特色紧密相连。1949 年中华人民共和国的建立, 是中国电业发展史上的重大转