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力量训练是提高短跑运动成绩的重要手段之一,但是在实际训练过程中却存在一些问题。一是训练条件所限。“目前,在多数省市队的力量训练房里,除杠铃外,多是一些大众化的健身器材,这对提高影响跑速几个最关键的肌群的专项力量和专门性力量的作用甚小,远远不能适应短跨专门性力量训练的需要”(王卫星)。省市专业队的力量训练条件都很有限,更不要说下面基层学校了,二是练习的针对性问题。由于目前采用的杠铃练习内容,有全蹲、半蹲、弓箭步跳、抓举、高翻、跳深等手段,然后转入冲跑或跨跳等方式,充其量是基础专项力量练习,原因是在转换过程中是否能达到要求的效果是关键。最佳的专项力量练习应该在实际运动中施加负荷。如起跑的专门练习,最好在起跑过程中施加负荷或牵引。 Strength training is one of the important means to improve the sprint performance, but there are some problems in the actual training process. First, training conditions are limited. “At present, most strength provincial and municipal team training rooms, in addition to barbell, are more popular fitness equipment, which enhance the impact of running speed of the few key muscles of the special forces and specialized forces play a very small role , Far from being able to meet the needs of short-span special strength training ”(Wang Weixing). Provincial and municipal professional team strength training conditions are very limited, not to mention the grassroots schools below, the second is the practice of targeted issues. Due to the currently used barbell practice content, there are all squatting, squatting, bow step jump, snatch, turn over, jump deep and other means, and then into the run or cross jump and other means, at best, is the basis of special forces exercises, because The conversion process is able to achieve the desired effect is the key. The best special strength exercises should be applied in the actual exercise load. Such as starting a special practice, it is best to exert load or traction during start-up.
目的 对采用螺旋弹力牵引装置治疗先天性髋脱位 ,治疗后 10年以上的患者进行随访 ,探讨 X线结果、临床功能与治疗方式之间的关系 ,找出解决不同年龄 ,不同程度患儿的治疗方
A model based on Avrami equation and Scheil’s additivity rule was proposed to simulate the phase transformation inplain carbon steels during continuous coolin
在拖拉机维修过程中,因驾驶员和修理工粗心或对零件的结构特点和作用不明确,将零件装反而引起故障是常见的,现举出我们见到的5个实例如下。 1.从动盘装反一台长春-12型小四
1 铝合金及其熔炼铝合金摩托车车轮服役过程中 ,主要受冲击载荷与交变载荷等作用 ,在拉伸、压缩、扭转、剪切及弯曲等不同应力的作用下 ,要求车轮有一定的抗拉强度、韧度、
在湖南医学院附属二医院眼科进修期间,在上级医师指导下,经管30例31只眼为视网膜脱离,根据不同病变施行了相应的术式,疗效尚为满意,现报道如下: During the ophthalmology