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麻疹并发肺炎,可能是麻疹病毒所引起,亦可能是其他继发病毒如腺病毒或细菌性感染所引起.麻疹肺炎一般是小叶性肺炎或支气管性肺炎,大多数发生于出疹期,少数发生于疹前期和疹后期.一般说,疹前期并发肺炎多为病毒性,疹后肺炎则多为细菌性,但这并非绝对,因病毒与细菌感染均可发生于麻疹的各个病期.如遇出疹缓慢或发疹停顿,皮疹色淡而少,或变为出血性便应引起注意.凡皮疹退而热不退,或疹热退后又发热,患儿食欲减退、烦躁不安或嗜睡、呼吸急促、鼻搧、发绀、胸部听到湿啰音,便应考虑并发肺炎的可能. 麻疹肺炎由于病因学诊断有一定困难,在没有X线及化验室条件下,主要还是以临床诊断为主,从临床上也有时不易区别是那一种性质的肺炎. 一、麻疹病毒肺炎可发生在麻疹的任何病期,但以出疹期最多.肺炎的症状随皮疹消退而逐渐消 Measles complicated with pneumonia may be caused by the measles virus or it may be caused by other secondary viruses such as adenovirus or bacterial infection. Measles pneumonia is usually lobular pneumonia or bronchial pneumonia, most of which occur during the rash and a few occur In early rash and rash later .Generally speaking, the early rash complicated by pneumonia are mostly viral, rash after pneumonia are mostly bacterial, but this is not absolute, because of the virus and bacterial infection can occur in the various stages of measles. Rash slow or rash pause, rash pale and less, or become hemorrhagic it should be noted .Each skin rash retreat, or rash fever and fever, children with loss of appetite, irritability or drowsiness, Shortness of breath, nasal fans, cyanosis, the chest heard wet rales, they should consider the possibility of concurrent pneumonia. Measles pneumonia due to etiological diagnosis has some difficulties in the absence of X-ray and laboratory conditions, mainly based on clinical diagnosis , Is also sometimes difficult to distinguish clinically from that nature of pneumonia .A measles virus pneumonia can occur in any stage of the measles, but the rash of the most .Pneumonia symptoms gradually disappear with the rash
为加快我省国有企业的改革与发展 ,推进工业经济结构调整 ,省政府决定实施辽宁省工业新高地计划。工业新高地计划 ,简单的说 ,就是在近年内 ,投资 10 0 0多亿元 ,建设 10 8个
本文报导了对 AA2024铝合金的200多欢挤压试验的分析研究。建立了各种断面型材的挤压力和挤压速度的工作极限,并指出了通过并入一个形状因子可以相当精确地予报这些极限。分
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