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考试的最终目的仍然是为了学生,为了学生的健康发展,为了学生的幸福成长,所以作为教师面对考试也一定要有人文关怀之心。中国是考试的故乡,科举考试从隋炀帝开始到慈禧太后废止。一直以来,我们积累了很多考试的经验。文化大革命,几乎相当于等于取消学校、取消考试,那时候实行工农兵推荐上大学,无需考试,直到1977年恢复高考,引导万千学子重视文化知识的学习,起到了拨乱反正的作用。随着时间的推移,高考成了指挥棒,人们越来越重视考试。“考考考,老师的法宝;分分分,学生的命根”。师生如何看待考试,成了横亘在我们面前的一道重要试题,它测试出我们的教育价值观。 The ultimate goal of the exam is still for the students, for the healthy development of students, for students’ happiness and growth, so as a teacher facing the examination must also have the humanistic care. China is the hometown of the examinations, and the imperial examinations have been abolished since the Sui Dynasty Emperor to the Empress Dowager Cixi. All along, we have accumulated a lot of exam experience. The Cultural Revolution almost equaled the cancellation of schools and the cancellation of examinations. At that time, it was recommended that the workers, peasants and soldiers recommend going to university without examination, and resuming the college entrance examination in 1977 and guiding the thousands of students to attach importance to the study of cultural knowledge has played a role of deterring arbitrarily. Over time, the college entrance examination became the baton, people pay more and more attention to the exam. “Test test, the teacher’s magic; sub-divided, the lifeblood of students ”. How teachers and students think of exams has become an important test that lies in front of us and tests our educational values.
相比起《血色黑金》,我更喜欢《血色将至》这个译名,不仅仅因为它像一句谶语。电影改编自美国作家Upton Sinclair1927年发表的小说《oil!》,但保罗·托马斯·安德森却为影片
绝大部分西方人闻所未闻    出品人、美国在线公司副总裁泰德·莱昂西斯说:2005年初,他在一张旧的《纽约时报》上看到旅美华裔张纯如自杀身亡的讣告,随后他买了张纯如的《被遗忘的大屠杀:1937南京浩劫》一书阅读,“我当时完全惊呆了,我觉得张纯如的眼睛在告诉我,一定要让更多人知道这段历史,所以拍摄了这部电影。”    这是一部纪录片,毫无疑问,拍摄它的目的就是真实地再现历史。《南京》(Nanjing
Mg-doped Ni nanoparticles with good soft magnetic properties were prepared with the sol-gel method and were sintered at 400, 500, 600, and 900 °C in argon atmo