习近平在G20杭州峰会发表系列重要讲话 中国发展新起点 全球增长新蓝图

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举世瞩目的G20杭州峰会徐徐落下帷幕。会议达成了一系列的成果与共识,在G20的历史卷轴上画下了浓墨重彩的一笔,更在全球经济发展进程上铭刻了鲜明的中国印记。国家主席习近平在峰会期间的多次讲话,向世界传递了中国声音和中国主张,赢得了与会人士与国际舆论的盛赞。号召G20成员采取务实行动在峰会开幕致辞中,习近平主席就号召G20成员共同采取务实行动提出了四点主张:第一,与时俱进,发挥引领作用。二十国集团应该根据世界经济需要,调整自身发展方向,进一步从 G20 Hangzhou Summit attracted worldwide attention slowly came to an end. The meeting reached a series of achievements and consensus, drawing a solid color on the historical scroll of the G20 and even engraved a distinctive Chinese mark on the course of global economic development. During his speech during the summit, President Xi Jinping delivered his voice and China’s position to the world and won the acclaim of participants and international public opinion. Appeal G20 members to take practical action In the opening speech delivered at the summit, President Xi Jinping put forward four propositions to call for joint action by the G20 members: First, advance with the times and play a leading role. The Group of Twenty should adjust their own development direction and further from the needs of the world economy
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