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英特尔和Cloudera公司“强强联手聚焦中国领航大数据”合作启动仪式近日在上海举行,双方宣布将不断加强战略合作伙伴关系,开展协作创新,进一步推动中国大数据技术和产业发展。作为由Apache Hadoop驱动的企业数据分析管理领导厂商,Cloudera计划于2014年9月份在中国建立业务机构,以开展直销、专业服务、客户支持、培训、研发等业务。这将使Cloudera与英特尔在大数据创新方面的合作更加紧密,其向中国用户推出的融合版 Recently, Intel and Cloudera jointly launched “Launch of China’s Leading Big Data” jointly held by Intel and Cloudera in Shanghai. Both parties announced that they will continue to strengthen their strategic cooperative partnership, conduct collaborative innovation and further promote the development of China’s big data technologies and industries. As an Apache Hadoop-driven leader in enterprise data analytics management, Cloudera plans to set up operations in China in September 2014 for direct sales, professional services, customer support, training, research and development. This will enable Cloudera and Intel closer cooperation in big data innovation, its integration version of the Chinese users
有一次上课时,我在黑板上写了这样一个句子:All of the students are notin the classroom.大部分学生把它译成了“所有的学生都不在教室”.我把正确答案“并非所有的学生都
麦 家 , 一 年 以 前 , 在 文 坛 上 还 是 一 个 默 默 无 闻 的 角 色 , 但 随 着 长 篇 小 说 《 解 密 》 的 问 世 , 这 个 名 字 在 媒 体 上 的 曝 光 率 渐 渐 高 了
用“切点分段法”给一篇散文分段,是能够比较准确地将一篇散文的段落、层次划出来的。 Using the “cut-point subsection method” to segment an essay is able to more
给下面几段话加上标点符号: ①杨树是我国最常见的树种之一公元六世纪贾思勰的齐民要术中说白杨性甚劲直堪为屋材折则折矣终不屈挠明朝的三才图会中也说白杨处处有之北土尤
The elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in the world. It isalso, perhaps, the gentlest, but not always! Elephants are like us in some ways. They live fo
On the 11th of September,the China National Textile and Apparel Council(CNTAC)and The Office for Social Responsibility of CNTAC held 2014 Annual Conference on S
在学校里,我们常能看到这样的场面: 某学生:“老师,这题怎样答?”某教师:“来,我讲给你听。”于是,这位教师就从头到尾,不厌其烦地进行讲解。不言而喻,他是在为学生解惑。他