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2007年9月—2008年9月,采用诱捕法采集粪金龟子,以不同水土治理措施植被、耕作农田和天然草地为研究样地,分析了内蒙古皇甫川流域不同土地管理方式对粪金龟子群落的影响.共捕获粪金龟子6169头,隶属于2科5属15种,优势种为直蜉金龟和小驼嗡蜣螂,分别占总捕获量的66.54%和13.26%.缺少适宜林地环境生存的种类是研究地区粪金龟子群落的基本特征.与耕作农田和天然草地相比,几种水土治理措施均未导致粪金龟子群落多度、生物量和物种丰度显著提高.粪金龟子群落生物量和物种丰度以及功能群Ⅱ和Ⅲ的多度与树(草)高呈显著负相关.受长期农业耕作以及缺少大型食草动物的影响,皇甫川流域的粪金龟子群落组成以功能群Ⅱ和Ⅲ为主,功能群I的多度和物种丰度较低.研究地区居民点的人畜粪便为粪金龟子提供了充足的食物,导致附近耕作农田中的粪金龟子群落具有较高的多度和丰度.天然草地是该流域粪金龟子群落的适宜生境.在区域尺度推广水土流失综合治理成功经验的同时,保护天然草地和饲养适当数量家畜(特别是大型食草牲畜)是维护粪金龟子群落多样性和生态系统功能的有效措施. From September 2007 to September 2008, trapping scarabs were collected by trapping method. Taking different measures of soil and water conservation measures, cropland and natural grassland as study sites, the effects of different land management practices on scarab stalk communities in Huangfuchuan watershed of Inner Mongolia were analyzed 6,169 dung beetles were captured, belonging to 15 species of 2 families, 5 genera and 15 dominant species, Dominant species of Tortoiseshell and Camelid, accounting for 66.54% and 13.26% of the total, respectively. Study on the basic characteristics of scallop communities in the region.Compared with tillage farmland and natural grassland, the measures of soil and water conservation did not lead to significant increase in the abundance, biomass and species abundance of the scarab stalk community.Bacterial biomass and species abundance And the abundance of functional groups II and III was significantly negatively correlated with the height of tree (grass). Due to long-term agricultural practices and the absence of large herbivores, the dung beetle communities in Huangfuchuan catchment were dominated by functional groups II and III, The abundance and species abundance of functional group I was lower.Human and human feces at the settlements in the study area provided sufficient food for the dung beetle, resulting in the dung beetle community in the nearby cultivated farmland High degree of abundance and abundance.Natural grassland is a suitable habitat for the dung beetle community in this basin.While promoting the successful experience of integrated soil and water loss management at the regional scale, protecting natural grassland and raising appropriate numbers of livestock (especially large herbivorous livestock) Effective measures to maintain the diversity of dung beetle communities and ecosystem functions.
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